USB-2416 User's Guide
Analog input calibration
Table 20. Analog input calibration specifications
Recommended warm-up time
45 minutes min
Firmware calibration
Calibration interval
1 year
Calibration reference
+10.000 V, ±5 mV max. Actual measured values stored in EEPROM
Tempco: 5 ppm/°C max
Long term stability: 30 ppm/1000 hours
Digital input/output
Table 21. Digital input specifications
Number of I/O
8 channels
Each DIO bit can be independently read from (DIN) or written to (DOUT).
The DIN bits can be read at any time whether the DOUT is active or tri-stated.
Input voltage range
0 to +15 V
Input type
CMOS (Schmitt trigger)
Input characteristics
kΩ pull
-up/pull-down resistor, 28
kΩ series resistor
Maximum input voltage range
0 to +20 V max (power on/off,
relative to DGND pins 93 and 94
All pins pulled up to +5
V via individual 47 kΩ
resistors (the JP1 shorting block
default position is pins 1 and 2).
Pull down capability is available by placing the JP1 shorting block across pins 2 and 3.
Transfer rate (software paced)
500 port reads or single bit reads per second, typ.
Input high voltage
1.3 V min, 2.2 V max
Input low voltage
1.5 V max, 0.6 V min
Schmitt trigger hysteresis
0.4 V min, 1.2 V max
Note 2:
DGND pins (pins 93, 94) are recommended for use with digital input and digital output pins. The DGND and
GND pins are common and are isolated from earth ground.
Table 22. Digital output specifications
Number of I/O
8 channels
Each DIO bit can be independently read from (DIN) or written to (DOUT).
The DIN bits may be read at any time whether the DOUT is active or tri-stated
Output characteristics
47k Ω pull
-up, open drain (DMOS transistor)
Pull-up configuration
All pins pulled up to +5
V via individual 47 kΩ resistors (the JP1 shorting block
default position is pins 1 and 2).
Transfer rate (software paced)
Digital output – 500 port writes or single-bit writes per second, typ.
Output voltage range
0 to +5 V (no external pull
up resistor, internal 47 kΩ pull
-up resistors connected to
+5V by default)
0 to +15 V max (Note 5)
Drain to source breakdown
+50 V min
Off state leakage current
(Note 6)
0.1 µA
Sink current capability
150 mA max (continuous) per output pin,
150 mA max (continuous) for all eight channels
DMOS transistor on-resistance
(drain to source)
Note 3:
Each DMOS transistor’s source pin is internally connected to GND.
Note 4:
DGND pins (pins 93, 94) are recommended for use with digital input and digital output pins. The DGND and
GND pins are common and are isolated from earth ground.