(Continúe en la siguiente página.)
(Continued on the next page.)
Este dispositivo cumple con la parte 15 de las reglas de FCC.
La operación está sujeta a las dos condiciones siguientes:
(1) Este dispositivo no podría causar interferencia dañosa, y
(2) Este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia
recibida, incluyendo la interferencia que podría causar
operación indesead
Photographing dual-person function: The switch is turned
to “
”, the counting digital tube displays “0” and
the time digital tube displays “00” while playing the
power-on audio effect. Connect the cell phone to the
counter “
”, when the cell phone links WIFI, by turning
on the cell phone “
MD Sports
, you may choose
” for playing of video files or entering into “
” basketball mode. Upon entering into “
” basketball mode, be sure to set the game player’s
full name and game time. After setting the same, click
” for the photograph picture. Set the game
player’s full name and game time (30-second and
45-second mode). Click “
” to start the 10-second
count down. At this time, the low-level displays on both
sides of the counting digital tube indicate 0 and flash and
plays the second audio effect along with the time (without
the high-level display) once every second. At the end of
the count down, the audio effect begins to play. Then the
(30-second or 45-second) count down begins. After the
count down begins, it may trigger the end counting. By
pressing the left side, the left-side digital tube counts 2
points, which is uploaded to
. At the same time, the
left counting audio effect plays. By triggering it again, the
left-side digital tube adds 2 points, which is uploaded to
. By pressing the right side, the right-side digital tube
counts 2 points. At this time, the right counting audio
effect plays. Upon the last 10-second count down, it
plays the 3-minute reminding audio effect. After that,
each and every trigger counts 3 points. At the end of the
count down, it plays the ending audio effect, and all
displays flash 5 times, and the highest-point digital tube
During stand-by at the end of the game, without any
operation within 60 minutes, the device turns off auto-
matically. Once the device is turned off, operations may
resume by pressing the pony tail.
Función de fotografía de 2 personas: El interruptor se
pone a “
”, el tubo digital contador exhibe “0” y
el tubo digital de tiempo exhibe “00” mientras se toca el
efecto audio de prendido. Se conecta el celular al “
contador, cuando el celular tienen WIFI conectado,
prendiendo el “
MD Sports
del celular, Ud. puede
seleccionar “
” para tocar archivos video ó entrando
en el modo de basketball “
”. Al entrar en el
modo de basketball “
”, esté seguro de poner
el nombre complete del jugador y el tiempo de juego.
Luego de poner los mismos, aprete “
” para fotos.
Se ponen el nombre completo del jugador y el tiempo de
juego (modos de 30 segundos y 45 segundos). Aprete
” para iniciar la cuenta atrás de 10 segundos. En
este momento, las pantallas de nivel bajo en los dos
lados del tubo digital contador indican 0 y se ponen
intermitentes y se toca el segundo efecto audio a lo largo
del tiempo (sin mostrar el alto nivel) una vez cada
segundo. Al final de la cuenta atrás, el efecto audio
comienza a tocar. Luego, la cuenta atrás (30 segundos ó
45 segundos) comienza. Luego, la cuenta atrás
comienza, se puede tocar la cuenta final. Presionando el
lado izquierdo, el tubo digital izquierdo cuenta 2 puntos,
los cuales se pasan a
. Al mismo tiempo, el izqui-
erdo efecto audio contador se toca. Tocándolo otra vez,
el izquierdo tubo digital agrega 2 puntos, los cuales se
pasan a
. Presionando el lado derecho, el derecho
tubo digital cuenta 2 puntos. En este momento, el
derecho efecto audio de cuenta se toca. Con la cuenta
atrás de los últimos 10 segundos, se toca el efecto audio
de aviso de 3 minutos. Luego, tocándolo cada vez se
cuentan 3 puntos. Al final de la cuenta se toca el efecto
audio final, y todas las pantallas se ponen intermitentes 5
veces, y el tubo digital del más alto punto se ponen
Durante el modo standby al final del juego, sin más
operaciones dentro de 60 minutos,, el dispositivo se
apaga automáticamente. Una vez el dispositivo se
apaga, las operaciones se pueden reanudar presionando
la cola de caballo.
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
the equipment.