MC3419 3-Axis Accelerometer
EV3419A Quick Start Guide and Demo
mCube Proprietary.
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2. M-CUBE products are designed only for commercial and normal industrial applications and are not suitable
for other purposes, such as: medical life support equipment; nuclear facilities; critical care equipment; military /
aerospace; automotive; security or any other applications, the failure of which could lead to death, personal injury
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Use of the products in unsuitable applications are at the customer’s own
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3. M-CUBE shall assume no liability for incidental, consequential or special damages or injury that may result
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5. M-CUBE makes no warranty or representation of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third
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6. Examples of use described herein are provided solely to guide use of M-CUBE products and merely indicate
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described herein
7. Information described in this document including parameters, application circuits and its constants and
calculation formulas, programs and control procedures are provided for the purpose of explaining typical
operation and usage. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in M-CUBE data sheets and/or specifications
can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters
including “Typical,” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. In no event
shall the information described be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics of the products.
Therefore, the customer should evaluate the design sufficiently as whole system under the consideration of
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