McQuay, Inc. warrants to the extent of the purchase price that new
products of its manufacture are, when originally sold, free of defects
in material and factory workmanship if properly installed, cared for,
and operated, under normal conditions, with competent supervision.
McQuay’s obligations under this warranty shall be fully discharged by
correction of such defects in any part or parts which, within one year
of shipment of the products to the original purchaser, shall be re-
turned in sealed containers, tagged as to serial and model numbers,
with transportatlon charges prepaid, to the factory or service location
designated by McQuay. McQuay shall not be liable for any loss,
domage, or expense, directly or indirectly arising from defects in its
products, the use of its products, or any other cause. McQuay does
not assume responsibility for any expenses (including labor and
travel expenses) incurred in the field incidental to the repair or re-
placement of its products.
This warronty extends only to the original purchaser and shall not
apply to any products which must be replaced because of normal wear,
which have been the subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, o r
which have beer repaired or altered by persons other than those
authorized by McQuay to service its products, or to any product on
which a serial number has been altered or removed. This warranty
d o e s n o t a p p l y t o a n y m o t o r , s w i t c h e s , c o n t r o l s , accessories, o r
other parts, manufactured by others and purchased by McQuay unless
the manufacturer warrants the same to McQuay and then only to the
extent of such manufacturer’s warranty to McQuay.
The decision of McQuay’s service department as to whether a defect
within the terms of this warranty shall be final.
This warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all other warranties, ex-
pressed or implied ond no representative, dealer, distributor or any
other person. is a u t h o r i z e d or permitted to make any other or further
w a r r a n t y o r t o incur t o obligat e McQuay to any other Lability not
strictly in accordan
f u r t h e r warranty i s
h this policy (except to the extent that such
in writing and signed by an official of Mc-
Quay for additional consideration in accordance with an established
policy for such further warranties).
M c Q u a y ’ s failure to object to provisions contained in a customer’s
purchase o r d e r s o r o t h e r communications s h a l l n o t b e d e e m e d a
waiver of the terms or conditions hereof or acceptance of such pro-
In oddition to the standard warra
for further consideration, McQua
purchase price, that the motor
n e w unit is, when originall
factory workmanship if
under normal conditions
compressor assem
e extent of the
on each such
ared for, and operated,
rvision. The term “motor-
ly consisting of the stator,
suction valve, dis-
in which these parts are enclosed.
warranty shall be fully discharged by
in any port or parts which, within four
of the standard one-year warranty, shall be
ainers, tagged
to serial and model numbers,
arges prepaid, to the factory or service location
shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense, directly
arising from defects in its products, the use of its prod-
ucts, or ony other cause. McQuay does not assume any responsibility
for any expenses (including labor and travel expenses) incurred in the
field incidental to the repair or replacement of its products.
This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and shall not
apply to any products which must be replaced because of normal wear,
which have been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, or which
hove been repaired or altered by persons other than those authorized
by McQuay to service its products, or to any product on which a serial
number has been altered or removed.
The decision of McQuay’s service department as to whether a defect
is within the terms of this warranty shall be flnal.
This warranty supersedes and is in lieu of all other warranties, ex-
pressed or implied and no representative, dealer, distributor, or ony
other person. is authorized or permitted to make any other or further
warranty or to incur or obligate McQuay to any other liability not
strictly in accordance with this policy.