Surround Calibration
Example: If your Back Surround Loudspeaker(s) are 2 feet
closer to the listening area than the Left and Right
Surround Loudspeakers, set the center delay to 2.
Surround Speaker Levels
The MSE1 includes a built-in test signal generator to per-
form System Level Calibration. A properly calibrated Sur-
round Sound System should have all channel levels ad-
justed for similar volume in the listening area. This ensures
that multi-channel sound tracks will be reproduced with
optimum realism. Individual channel levels from an actual
sound track usually change widely on a continuous basis.
Proper System Calibration sets all channels to the correct
starting reference level. Refer to figure 6.
Note: All System Level Calibrations are retained in permanent
memory and will change only if calibration is
performed again. A sound level pressure meter may be
used to obtain a more accurate Level Calibration.
Automatic System Calibration
1. Set the rear panel SYSTEM CALIBRATION switch to
2. Press the SYS CAL push-button once to start System
Calibration. You will hear the test signal from the Left
Surround Loudspeaker for 2 seconds. The test signal
will then cycle clockwise through all Surround Chan-
nels and optional Secondary Subwoofer continuously
in 2 second intervals. The MSE1 DELAY/TRIM dis-
play will read 0 for each channel before any adjust-
ments are performed.
Note: The MSE1 Front Panel DELAY/TRIM Display will read
0 for each channel before any adjustments are
Figure 6
performed and the OUTPUT FORMAT LEDs will light
to indicate which channel is reproducing the test signal.
3. While seated in the listening area, note the volume lev-
els of the test signal from each of the channels as the
test signal switches. If you determine that the test sig-
nal volume is louder or softer in any of the channels,
the levels should be adjusted so you hear essentially
the same test signal volume from all of the channels.
The Left Surround Loudspeaker can serve as a refer-
4. Make channel level calibration adjustments by using
push-buttons, the DELAY/VOL-
UME display instantly changes to indicate the calibra-
tion level change in dB. If the level is increased, the
display shows plus numbers, and if decreased shows
minus numbers. Calibration levels can be adjusted over
a range of ±6dB. If an adjustment is made on a chan-
nel, there is an additional 2 second time interval on that
channel before the system switches the test signal to
the next channel.
5. When the test signal switches to succeeding channels,
repeat the level calibration process until the test signal
volume levels of all the channels are the same.
6. The calibration channel cycling mode can be repeated
as often as necessary until you are satisfied that the
volume levels of the test signal are the same from all
Note: A Surround Level Calibration Table, located on the next
page, is provided to record your settings.
7. Exit the System Calibration mode by pressing the SYS
CAL push-button a second time.
Manual System Calibration
1. Set the rear panel SYSTEM CALIBRATE switch to
2. Press the SYS CAL push-button once to start System
Calibration, you will hear the test signal from the Left
Surround Loudspeaker. It will stay in that channel until
the SYS CAL push-button is pressed again. The second
time SYS CAL push-button is pressed the sound will
S u r r o u n d D e l a y C a l i b r a t i o n
Surround Channel
Default Setting
New Setting