The McIntosh MSE1 Surround Expander provides auto-
matic expansion of Surround Enhancement Information
contained in movie sound tracks. This additional informa-
tion is encoded in the surround channels by using a Matrix
Method. The MSE1 converts the incoming analog surround
channels into digital signals, processes the signals digitally,
then convert it back to analog signals consisting of the Left
Surround, Right Surround and Back Surround Channels.
In order to assure the best possible Surround Expansion,
it is extremely important that both Surround Channel Sig-
nals going into the MSE1 have as close as possible the
same level and time delay characteristics. Adjust the levels
and delay settings for the surround channels of your Home
Theater System for the same surround channel loudspeaker
level and the time delay settings, refer to the Owners
Manual supplied with McIntosh A/V Control Center and/or
Surround Decoder. If there are differences in the settings
between the surround channels, then pick the average be-
tween the two suround channels settings and use that aver-
age for both Surround Channels.
Delay and Level calibration procedures are made rela-
tive to the primary listening area. The ideal listening area is
defined as facing directly toward and centered between the
front speakers, in line with the left and right surround
speakers and the back surround louspeaker(s) behind the
primary listening area. Refer to the figures 4 and 5.
Back Surround Speaker Delay
If the back surround speakers are located closer to the lis-
tening area than the surround speakers, their sound will
reach the listener before the sound from the surround
Surround Calibration
speakers. This difference in sound arrival times can de-
grade the listening perception of some sound tracks. The
MSE1 allows you to adjust the back surround speaker time
delay to correct for this difference so the sound from the
back surround speakers reaches the listening area at the
same time as sound from the left and right surround loud-
speakers. Refer to figure 6.
Note: The MSE1 surround delay can be adjusted from 0 to
5ms. Each millisecond delay corresponds approximately
to 1 foot in distance.
The first time you press the DELAY push-button the DE-
LAY/TRIM display will indicate 0, which the factory de-
fault setting. This would correspond to the delay setting
you have just performed on your McIntosh A/V Control
Center and/or Surround Decoder for the Left and Right
Surround Loudspeakers.
1. Measure the distance from the listening area to the
Back Surround Loudspeaker(s). If the Back Surround
Loudspeakers are closer than the average distance from
the listening area to the Left and Right Surround
Louspeakers you should adjust the delay to correspond
to the difference in feet.
2. Press the DELAY push-button to start delay calibration
3. Adjust the LEVEL
push-buttons until the
DELAY/TRIM display reads a number that is the same
as the number of feet measured in Step 1.
Note: The table on the next page may be used to record your
Delay Calibration Settings.
4. Press the DELAY push-button a second time to exit the
delay procedure.
Figure 4
Figure 5