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Operating guide for Alarm Receiver
Internet: http://www.mcdi.com
86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1
Telephone: +514-481-1067
Fax: +514-481-1487
Enabling CALLER ID to PC
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Enabling CALLER ID to printer
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Enabling CALLER ID to pc and printer
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Sending date and time option
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Delay time for acknowledge to pannel
to select delay in seconds from 1 to 5
to choose and continue to next menu
Check printer/buzzer mode
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Output in Sur-Gard mode
to select from yes or no
to choose and continue to next menu
Setting Time: hour
to select from 00 to 23
to choose and continue to next menu
Setting Time: minutes
to select from 00 to 59
to choose and continue to next menu
Choice Option
Caller ID to PC Yes
Choice Option
Caller ID printer Yes
Choice Option
Caller ID All Yes
Choice Option
Date/time Yes
Choice Option
ACK delay 2
Choice Option
Check printer Yes
Choice Option
Sur-Gard mode Yes
Choice Option
Time: hour 00
Choice Option
Time: minutes 22