‘Tilde embedded in ASCII Printable characters
‘Carriage Return embedded in ASCII Printable characters
Master Transmit Message
This command causes iPort/AFM to write the specified data bytes to the currently
selected Destination I
C Slave Address with or without generating an I
C Stop
condition after the last byte is transmitted.
Enter Message Bytes (0 or more Printable ASCII or Hex-equivalent ~00..~FF), then
Press Enter, ESCape to Cancel.
Note: The tilde (~) character and the Carriage Return (CR) character are used as
special marker characters within all iPort/AFM transmit text messages. These
characters may not be used within the text of a message, but must be replaced by the
following "Hex-equivalent" characters:
Tilde replaced by "~7E"
Carriage Return replaced by "~0D"
iPort/AFM automatically translates "Hex equivalent" characters to their single-byte
value for transmission across the I
C Bus.
All entered data bytes are transmitted to the Destination I
C Slave Receiver device.
Master Transmit stops upon receiving the first negative acknowledgment (Nack)
from the Slave Receiver. If not disabled, the message is then terminated with an I
Stop condition.
Sending Master Transmit messages with No Stop allows the Master to retain
exclusive control of the I
C Bus until it finally sends a Stop. During this time, the
Master can send additional (Repeated Start) Master Transmit or Master Receive
messages to the same or other I
C Slave devices.
Command: /(*)Ttext[CR] 'Master Transmit Message
(* = No Stop)
Response 1: /MTC[CR]
'Master Transmit Complete
Response 2: /SNA[CR]
'Slave Not Acknowledging
Response 3: /I81[CR]
'iPort/AFM is Busy, Command Ignored
Response 4: /I83[CR]
' I
C Arbitration Loss Detected
Response 5: /I88[CR]
'iPort Connection Not Open