Data Sheet
McAfee WebShield SMTP
Stop threats at the Internet gateway
Email traffi c is the most common transmission route
for viruses and worms. Your email-enabled business
needs effective virus and content fi ltering protection.
The best place to start is at the Internet gateway.
The growing volume of email traffi c poses risks to corporate
security, liability, and employee productivity. Internet
gateway protection is a key component of your overall anti-
virus solution. McAfee
SMTP provides multi-
faceted protection against viruses and unwanted email at
the Internet gateway.
WebShield SMTP uses the award-winning McAfee scanning
engine to detect and clean viruses and malicious code,
including macro viruses, Internet email, Trojans, worms,
and hostile ActiveX and Java threats. WebShield SMTP scans
all inbound and outbound email traffi c as it passes through
your SMTP gateway.
Ensure your email content is secure
WebShield SMTP knows what is entering and leaving your
network. The solution scans for inappropriate content in
the subject line and message body of emails and blocks fi les
based on name, type, or size. It also prevents your servers
from hosting spam. Both reduce your legal liability and
make your users happier and more productive.
Proactive threat protection
McAfee Outbreak Manager is included with WebShield
SMTP and acts like a 24/7 administrator that takes pre-
programmed action to help prevent outbreaks. Outbreak
Manager searches for new attacks by looking for email
behavior typical of virus outbreaks. When identifi ed it takes
action to secure your email against the threat.
Easy to install and confi gure
The fi rewall-independent WebShield SMTP easily plugs
into your existing network without impacting fi rewalls or
mail servers. You can start scanning SMTP ports almost
immediately. As a standalone solution, it doesn’t impact
other critical applications.