This release of the software includes the following improvements.
1. Changes were made to the service startup sequence to have less impact on the system during startup.
Previous Improvements
Previous releases of the software include the following improvements.
1. Improvements were made to the way that the CommonShell scanner interacts with file I/O. This improves
performance with on-access scanners within the product.
2. VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i Patch 2 and later now has the ability to report compliance to the newer versions of
Windows Security Center.
3. The VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i extension has improved support for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 with Firefox 3.0
and Internet Explorer 8.0.
4. Several modification were made to the way that VirusScan Enterprise's system tray icon interacts with the
new functionality of McAfee Agent 4.5.
5. The file extension .txt was added to the SmoothWritesExtension registry value to increase performance in
handling text files.
6. Russian language support was added to the VirusScan Enterprise user interface, NAP file, and extension.
NOTE: See items #3 and #4 under Known Issues for further information about this topic.
7. The VirusScan Reports extension now has updated queries to show the status of Artemis settings for the on-
access, on-demand, and email scanners.
NOTE: The Artemis status requires VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Patch 8 or VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i Patch 1
and later to be installed on the client systems, in order to correctly populate the reports. Refer to McAfee
Support KnowledgeBase article KB53732 for further information on Artemis functionality.
8. On-Access Scanner’s Artemis level setting is now modifiable via the properties UI, and the equivalent
VirusScan 8.7i NAP and Extension included in the patch package.
NOTE: Because this setting is new with this release of the VirusScan 8.7i NAP and extension, there is no
preserved setting upon check-in of the management package. The ePolicy Orchestrator administrator will
need to update that setting in the policies to match the current Artemis policy.
9. Several modifications have been made to the way VirusScan Enterprise interacts with the operating system
on startup, suspend, and shutdown. These modifications resolve and improve performance issues.
10. Current DAT files are compressed to conserve network bandwidth. Now, changes have been made to
decompress the DATs during the AutoUpdate process and leave them in that state, so that scanners do not
have to decompress them during initialization of the scan.
11. The on-demand scanner now uses Windows Priority Control setting for the scan process. This lets the
operating system set the amount of CPU time that the on-demand scanner receives at any point in the scan
process. The System Utilization setting in the On-Demand Scan Properties maps to Windows Priority Control
12. The on-access, on-demand, email, and script scanners now use a runtime copy of the DATs. This change
has reduced the memory consumption of affected scanners by having the DATs in a readily available state
for the scan engine to load.
20%-50% Below Normal
60%-100% Normal