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Operate safety instruction
Please read this manual carefully before using this appliance
In this manual, there are common safety instructions in details on appliance
preparing, operating and maintenance. And operator must obey these accident
preventive regulations when use this machine. Any accident aroused by
regulations disobey, producer will not bear any liability.
This manual is also one of the important attachments of this appliance, make
sure the operator read or listen to the professional person’s introduction on this
manual. Save the manual in the place where you can easily fetch and regular
read. This manual adopts the following three kinds of figure as the important
Key information on economical using.
The possible accident aroused by disobeying the manual.
The possible accident and estate damage aroused by disobeying the manual
The possible severe damage to person and estate arouse by instruction
Safety Notice
If try to operate or amend this appliance before reading this manual, It will
possibly damage the operator or other person nearby. So training is needed
before using, If the operator can not understand this instruction,, please teach
him hot to operator this appliance.
To reduce the risk of fire, use only commercially available floor cleaners and
waxes intended for machine application.
Risk of explosion, Floor sanding can result in an explosive mixture of fine
dust and air. To reduce risk of explosion, use floor sanding machine only in
ventilated area.
Operating a machine that is not completely or fully assembled could result in
injury or property damage. Do not operate the machine until it is completely
assembled. Inspect the machine carefully before operation.