SMARTING User Manual
– Release 11/03/2019
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) Compatibility:
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL, https://github.com/sccn/labstreaminglayer) is an
open-source, free platform that allows precise synchronous recordings of
multiple signal streams coming from various sources. As such it is a very
convenient approach that allows
very precise triggering
. All available trigger
streams will be automatically displayed in the signal display window as
vertical colored lines.
Apart from precise triggering, SMARTING Streamer is fully compatible with
other platforms that support the LSL protocol. It allows streaming signals into
LSL and receiving other LSL streams from networked PCs in real-time.
Moreover, with SMARTING streamer, it is possible to record all the available
streams in single .XDF file.
The name of the SMARTING stream that is sent to LSL is set up during the
connecting phase (Figure 6.3). The name of the stream should be written in
Stream name
text field.
6.8.1 Using the XDF file format
Once the field
XDF file
is checked (annotation 35 in Figure 6.13) it is possible
to choose from the list of available LSL streams (37). The list of available LSL
streams is presented in the white box (37). The default stream that is readily
available is the SMARTING stream (EEG from the Figure 6.13). The name of
the stream appears first (38), while the streaming device name is written in
the parentheses (39).
If there are other devices that stream the signal from other networked PC,
but those are not visible in the SMARTING streamer, click the
(40). Upon clicking the button
, the other visible streams will appear in
the white box (as in Figure 6.14).
Note: If other streams are not visible upon
updating the stream names, try disabling windows firewall by clicking the
Control Panel->System and Security ->Windows Firewall->Turn Windows
Firewall on or off->Turn off Windows Firewall.
Tick the boxes in front of the streams to be recorded in the single .XDF file
and the selected streams will be recorded simultaneously.