SMARTING User Manual
– Release 11/03/2019
5. Connecting the Device to PC using BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver ................... 9
5.1. Connecting SMARTING to PC ................................................................10
6. SMARTING Streamer standalone PC utility ................................................ 13
6.2 Starting up (The main window) ............................................................14
6.3 Streaming the signal with 500 Hz sampling frequency and with the
box selected .............................................16
6.4 Streaming signal with 500 Hz sampling frequency and the impedances
6.5 Streaming signals with 500 Hz sampling frequency and with the
impedance measurements switched off ..............................................20
6.6 Streaming signals with 250 Hz sampling frequency .............................22
window ..........................................................................23
6.8 Recording the EEG signals from SMARTING streamer ..........................25
6.8.1 Recording the XDF file format ........................................................26
6.8.2 Recording the BDF file format ........................................................29