Photo 4. 9.2 M-133 (DB 9 pin to USB)
An industry standard RS-232 interface cable between the M97XX and a regular
PC will not facilitate communication between the devices. The dongle on the
M-133 provides the necessary switiching to enable proper communication.
1. RS232 Setting
Before using the remote operation mode, please insure that the baudrate and communication port
address of the DC electronic load are the same as that in the PC's softwareor the communication will fail.
You can change the baud rate and communication port address from the front panel of the load or and
match it to the PC in the computer set-up for new devices
(1) Baud rate: 9600(4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, which are selectable from the menu on the
(2) Data bit: 8
(3) Stop bit: 1
(4) Parity: (none, even, odd)
2. DB9 Serial Interface