1. Starting the machine for the first time
After reassembly the machine shall be checked as
per the following:
Be sure not foreign materials, such as tools or
similar, are left in the soil hopper, in the elevator or
on the turntable.
Put main sw
itch of the machine to OFF („Null”)
position before plug of the connection cable would
be connected to the socket.
When the machine is connected, put the switch to
„1 ON” position.
Put switch of turntable
to „1 ON” position, while
switch of elevator and conveyor belt to right to
position „1” or „2", as well as switch of drill to
position „2”. Press pushbutton „Start” on „Start-
Stop” switch of swinging cable and the turntable
starts to rotate counter clockwise.
If it would rotate clockwise then call for an
electrician to change phases at the connecting
Plates of the elevator shall be forwarded from
bottom towards top seeing from side of soil hopper.
Care shall be taken on the following:
With the switch, “Soil” means:
turn to the right, position "1"
> smaller amount of soil
turn to the right, position "2"
> larger amount of soil
Switch position to right: elevator and conveyor
belt are moved in normal operational direction.
Switch position to left: conveyor belt is moved in
normal operational direction while elevator is
moved in opposite direction.
Changeover switch „Drill” ("Bohrer"):
switch position „2”: drill is rotated clockwise
> it excavates the soil.
switch position "1" : drill is rotated counter-
clockwise > it compacts the soil.
In case of there were no problems found or unusual
noises heard during test operation, the machine
may be put into operation as it is described in
section „Operation”.