5. The next set of folders you see are named by the date the videos were recorded.
The folders holding the videos for each day will be named with the following format:
(Year, Month, Day)
For example, all videos recorded on March 23rd, 2016 will be in a folder labeled 20160223. Find the
day you want to view and double-click the folder.
6. Within each folder, you will see all the video files recorded that day.
The video files will have the following format:
(Year, Month, Day, Hour,
Minute, Second).
The time stamp corresponds to the time the video started recording. The hours are listed in military
time so will appear as 00 through 23. For example, a video recorded on February 23rd, 2016 at 3:07
and 22 seconds PM will have the filename 2016_02_23_15_07_22.
7. Click on any of the files to view the video that was recorded at that time.
There is a one (1) second delay between the time when the video camera floodlight is activated
and the time when the camera actually starts recording. Because of this delay, moving objects may be
well within the field of view of the camera when the video camera starts recording.
After the micro-SD card is full, the camera records over the earliest recordings, so make sure you
save any files you want to your hard drive.