MAXQ-JTAG-001 board. The firmware loaded on this
board is identical to the CMAXQUSB interface module.
Using an External I
C Bus Instead of USB
To disconnect from the on-board I
C bus, remove the
shunts from jumpers JU4 and JU5. Leave the USB con-
nector, P2, unconnected. Provide 2.5V to 3.6V power to
the GND and V+ test points on header H2. Connect the
external I
C bus to the SCL and SDA test points. If the
external I
C bus already has appropriate pullup resis-
tors, remove shunts from JU9 and JU10.
Emulating the MAX7348
The MAX7348 behaves just like the MAX7349, except it
has fewer columns (COL0–COL4) and no ALERT input.
Although a MAX7348 could be fitted to the PC board
(aligning pin 1 with ROW0), the MAX7348 can be emu-
lated by using a subset of the MAX7349 pins and regis-
ter bits. See Tables 2 and 3.
Emulating the MAX7347
The MAX7347 behaves just like the MAX7349, except it
has fewer columns (COL0–COL2), no ALERT input, and
no SOUNDER output. The MAX7347 cannot be fitted to
the PC board due to differences in pin count and pin con-
figuration, but the MAX7347 can be emulated by using a
subset of the MAX7349 pins and register bits. MAX7347
has a fixed I
C address, so connect AD0 to GND by
placing JU1 in position 1-2. Because there is no ALERT,
place JU3 in position 2-3. See Tables 2 and 3.
Evaluates: MAX7349/Emulates: MAX7347/MAX7348
MAX7349 Evaluation Kit
Figure 1. The MAX7349 Evaluation Software’s Main Window Provides Direct Access to All Registers and Controls the Interrupt Response