Function Descriptions
This section describes the various functions of each diagnostic option:
When this function is selected, the screen displays a list of Stored Codes and
Pending Codes. When the Freeze Frame data of certain DTCs are available
for viewing, a snowflake button will display on the right side of the DTC item.
The Erase Codes function can be applied by tapping the functional button at
the lower bottom of the screen.
Figure 5-2
Sample DTC & FFD Screen
Stored Codes
Stored codes are the current emission related DTCs from the ECM
of the vehicle. OBD II/EOBD Codes have a priority according to their
emission severity, with higher priority codes overwriting lower
priority codes. The priority of the code determines the illumination of
the MIL and the codes erase procedure. Manufacturers rank codes
differently, so expect to see differences between makes.
Pending Codes
These are codes whose setting conditions were met during the last
drive cycle, but need to be met on two or more consecutive drive
cycles before the DTC actually sets. The intended use of this service