6.2 Press the device bu�on for 5 seconds to enter the Wi-Fi
configura�on state (fast blinking in EZ mode or slow blinking in AP
6.3 Input the Wi-Fi SSID and password of the Wi-Fi network that the
device is going to work with, then wai�ng around 30 seconds for the
Wi-Fi configura�on finished un�l the device is successfully added;
6.4 Change the device name and share it within APP account as you
Click the device just added to launch the device state UI to
check the state, ba�ery level, record history and the APP no�fica�on
Make sure the device and APP work in same Wi-Fi configura�on
mode, both in EZ mode or in AP mode. Refer to Sec�on 3 product
descrip�on LED indicator part to check which state the device is
working with.
In some case that the EZ mode is not working Wi-Fi network, AP
mode is the only op�on.