Matter Surfaces | +1 212 252 2049 | [email protected] | mattersurfaces.com
Mechanical Cleaning:
The Roller Brush Method
1. Start by vacuum cleaning.
2. Use a scrubber-dryer with soft brush
rollers, luke warm water or ultra-pure
water if possible. If necessary use a
minimal dose of an all-purpose cleaner
with a pH of 7-8, so the floor will not
need rinsing afterwards. Stains should
be pretreated by spraying cleaner on the
stain before using the machine. Clean the
floor along the longitudinal direction if
possible parks, dog runs and more
Mechanical Cleaning:
1. Start by vacuum cleaning.
2. Remove any difficult stains, see STAIN
3. Use a scrubber-dryer with soft brush
rollers, warm water and a strong, alkaline
all-purpose cleaner with a pH of 9-11.
Start by wetting the floor by running the
machine with the brushes and water with
heavy-duty cleaner solution. Do not use
the suction function.
4. Leave to work for 5-10 minutes, without
allowing it to dry.
5. Rinse twice with clean water using the
scrubberdryer—or until it stops forming a