This section applies only to boards with the PDI Programmer / Serial Bridge option installed.
The MTX1S PDI programmer, serial bridge, and other features can be configured by entering
configuration mode. This configuration is stored in nonvolatile EEPROM memory. Configuration mode
requires an ANSI terminal emulator. Configuration options are highlighted by using the up and down arrow
keys, and selected using the enter key. Some dialogs are for entering numbers in hexadecimal. Here, the
left and right arrow keys and backspace are used. The menu system is structured as follows:
Serial Speed
(Serial bridge speed selection)
List of selectable speeds: 2400, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 50.0K, 76.8K, 125K, 250K, 500K, 1M, 2M
Manual (when selected, configure using Manual Settings below)
Manual Settings
Baud Rate Register
(enter value in hex)
Clock 2X
(async mode only)
Serial Mode
Asynchronous or synchronous
Sleep Mode
(Which sleep mode is used when USB is disconnected or suspended)
Power Down or Standby
Ready Signal
(USB ready signal is opendrain active low on XCK pin from USB AVR)
Disabled or Enabled
(select which software will be interfacing with the MTX1S PDI programmer)
(displays list of firmware authors)
The USB AVR automatically enters sleep mode when the USB cable is disconnected or the USB
bus is suspended. Sleep mode is by default set to Power Down, which provides for the lowest current
consumption. The USB ready signal is useful when the XMEGA needs to know when the USB cable is
disconnected or the USB bus suspended. The signal is opendrain activelow from the USB AVR XCK line,
which may also be used for synchronous serial operation. The XMEGA must enable the pullup on this line
before reading it. If it reads low, USB is enumerated and ready. Otherwise, it will read high. If synchronous
operation in used, the XCK clock signal will override this. However, when USB is disconnected or
suspended, the clock will stop and the the line driven low.
When changing serial speeds, be sure to also change the speed in the XMEGA.
March 2, 2017