After it is successfully sent, the front panel of power supply is set as remote control model, at this time,
the keys on the operation front panel are invalid. Only by pressing “Shift” + “numeric key 7”, or
sending command [:]SYST:LOC, the power supply can be switched to be controlled by its front panel.
Command [:]SYSTem:LOC
This command is used for setting the power supply to be panel control model.
Return command: N/A
For example: If the power supply is under the remote control (PC) model, send command [:]
After the command is successfully sent, the front panel of power supply has been set to be front panel
control model.
6.2.3 Measurement command
The commands stated in this section are all the commands under [:]MEASure root path. The
commands in the following example all adopt the mnemonic symbols of short format:
Command [:]MEASure:VOLTage?
This command is used for reading the output voltage value of power supply.
Return command: Numerical value
Return parameter unit: V
For example, if the sending command is [:]
The return command of power supply at this time is: 12.560, then it indicates that the current
voltage value of power supply is 12.560V.
Command [:]MEASure:CURRent?
This command is used for reading the output current value of power supply.
Return command: Numerical value
Return parameter unit: A
For example: if the sending command is [:]
The return command of power supply at this time is: 1.245, then it indicates that the current value
of power supply at present is 1.245A.
Command [:]MEASure:VC?
This command is used for reading two measurement values for one-off time: output voltage value
and output current value.
Return command: Numerical value list, use comma to separate them
Return parameter unit: V and A
For example: if the sending command is [:]
The return command of power supply at this time is: 10.0000, 0.00000, namely, it indicates the