Rev 00.00
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©| AES Industrial Supplies Ltd | 2019 all rights reserved
Unauthorized reproduction of this manual is prohibited
Storage of the instruction manual
The instruction manual must be kept safely and must be handed over to new owners in case of sale throughout
the lifecycle of the machine.
To help preserve the manual in good condition it must be handled with care and with clean hands, and it must
not be placed on dirty surfaces.
It is forbidden to remove, tear out or arbitrarily modify any parts of the manual.
The manual must be stored in an environment away from humidity and heat, in a position near the machines
to which it refers.
Upon the User’s request the Manufacturer shall supply other copies of the machine’s instruction manual.
Updating of the Instruction Manual
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the project and improve the machine without informing
customers and without updating the manual already delivered to the User.
If modifications are
made to a machine installed at the customer’s premises, in agreement with the
manufacturer, and which entail the amendment of one or more chapters of the manual, the manufacturer shall
send the amended chapters to the holders of the Instruction Manual and its new overall revision.
According to the instructions that will accompany the updated documentation, the User shall replace the old
chapters in the copies held with the new ones, as well as the first page and table of contents with the new
revision level.