December 2008 / USB Interface for Solar ChargeMaster / EN
Fig. 7-2: Setting times and Day/Night threshold
Day/Night threshold
Set the solar generator voltage at which the Solar ChargeMaster is to
determine the turning point between day and night
Load On After Dusk
Time, the load must be switched On after sun down.
Load On Before Dawn
Time, the load must be switched On before sun rise.
Time setting pm
Time, the load must be switched On in the afternoon/ evening
Time setting am
Time, the load must be switched On in the night/ morning
Set time for sunrise and sundown Set the time for Dawn and Dusk, necessary for the Load On After Dusk/
Load On Before Dawn function.
7.1.2 Load on during the whole night
With this option, turning on/off the load is still
possible using the menu button on the controller.
Fig. 7-3: Setting nightlight function by hours before
sunrise or hours after sundown
7.1.3 No Night Light function
This option enables you to switch off the night light
function. Turning on/off the load remains possible
using the menu button on the controller.
Fig. 7-4: Setting the time for load on/off
After all settings, click “Send to Charge Controller”.
Then click “Read from Charge Controller” in order to
verify that your settings have been changed.