Using your SkyMaster Top
Your SkyMaster Top has a “dual” sun roof feature that
gives you the option of either a partial sunroof (FIG53) or
full sunroof feature(FIG54). The partial sun roof feature
will block more sun on those really hot days while the full
opening truly gives an open-air experience. To fold back
your SkyMaster Top, unlatch the front header and push
up in the middle of the top where we have placed a tem-
porary “push” here sticker. This will put your top in the
partial sun roof mode.
To fully open the sun roof, keep on pushing the fabric
backwards and under the folded back header as shown.
Step 7: Secure the Front Header to Windshield
With the side arms attached, with a friend on the other
side of the vehicle, pull down the front header and latch
the header to the windshield (FIGs 50, 51 & 52). Note
the first time this process takes place it is best to have
a friend on the other side to make the “pull” uniform
before latching. After the first time one person can
safely pull the header down and latch.
SkyMaster Fold Back Sun Roof Installation:
Your SkyMaster Top has been designed to fit your
JK/JKU Wrangler with the windshield set at the
factory original hard and soft top settings.
The header to hardtop distance will vary from side to
side, vehicle to vehicle and even change over time.
We have built in an adjustment to help compensate if
this vehicle variance causes you trouble.
Each side arm has the quick release knuckle installed
with a small ¼” gap as called out in FIG 55.
If you fold down your header and the front “triangular
knobs” on the underside of the header hits the rubber
windshield seal causing the front of the header to lift up,
simply close the quick release gap called out in FIG 56
by removing the set screw, push the quick release knob
and re-set the screw.
Alternatively, If it is extremely difficult to get the front
latches hooked because the header is too far rearward,
you can remove the set screw and move the quick
release knob back relative to the side tube bracket
(Fig 55). This may need to be done on either one or
both sides.
SkyMaster Optional Variation Adjustments:
Built-In “Gap”
“Gap” Closed
Open up “Gap” to adjust header forward
©MasterTop, Inc. 2020. All Rights Reserved. The term MasterTop
is a Registered Trademark of
MasterTop Incorporated, Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
See separate sheet for Warranty and Care information.
941044.01 Version 5.8.20 LTR
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