Step 6: Installing the Center Bow #1 & #2
Locate the center bow #1 (Fig 14). Each Bow has
been labeled to make identification easier. Loos-
en the screws holding on the top brackets. With
the help of a friend, place the Quick release end
on the bottom of the bow leg over the second ver-
tical bracket (Fig 15). Pull the quick release knob
out and push the bow down mounting the quick
release to the bracket. The quick release knob is
spring loaded so you should here a “click” when
it is secure in the bracket (Fig 16). once the bow
is installed, tighten the bow mount bracket on the
door surround.
FIG 14
FIG 15
FIG 16
Center Bow #1
Center Bow #2
Repeat this bow mounting on the other side of the
vehicle and then repeat the above procedure with
center bow #2 (FIG 14). Tighten down the door
surround knobs on each side of the vehicle secur-
ing the Door surrounds and the two bows.
Step 7: Installing the Deck and Front
With the help of a friend you will need to lay the
entire top deck assembly onto the vehicle with the
topping fabric/vinyl facing up and the front header
resting on the windshield (Fig 17). Locate the two
rear bow arms attached to the front windshield
header (Fig 18).
FIG 18
FIG 17