Charger source priority:
To configure charger
source priority
If this inverter/charger is working in Line, Standby or Fault
mode, charger source can be programmed as below:
Solar first
Solar energy will charge
battery as first priority.
Utility will charge battery only
when solar energy is not
Solar and Utility (default)
Solar energy and utility will
charge battery at the same
Only Solar
Solar energy will be the only
charger source no matter
utility is available or not.
Alarm control
Alarm on (default)
Alarm off
Auto return to default
display screen
Return to default display screen
If selected, no matter how
users switch display screen, it
will automatically return to
default display screen (Input
voltage /output voltage) after
no button is pressed for 1
Stay at latest screen
If selected, the display screen
will stay at latest screen user
finally switches.