National Safe Boating Council
2550 M Street NW, Suite 425
Washington DC 20037
(202) 296-4588
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
2100 Second Street SW
Washington DC 20593-001
(202) 267-1001
Safety Equipment
Federal law requires certain safety equipment to be
on-board your boat at all times. Responsible boaters
carry additional equipment in case of emergency. It
is your responsibility to check with the local boating
authorities for any additional requirements and/or
equipment over and above the federal requirements.
Required Equipment
Your MasterCraft boat has been equipped at the fac-
tory with the federally-required safety equipment for
inland waters (Class I, 16-foot-to-26-foot watercraft,
and Class II, 26-foot-to-40-foot watercraft). This
equipment includes:
• ABYC-approved (American Boat & Yacht Club) ma-
rine mufflers with water injection;
• USCG-approved (United States Coast Guard) marine
flame arrestor;
• USCG-approved engine box ventilation with sparkles
power blower;
• ABYC-approved electric horn sound-warning device;
• USCG-approved inland lighting.
Additionally, you should always check that you have a
fire extinguisher on board, which is mandatory equip
ment. If you desire to do so, you may purchase an ap-
proved fire extinguisher from MasterCraft for your boat.
If you choose to purchase a fire extinguisher from an
outside source, verify that it meets or exceeds the fed-
eral performance mandate.
Federal law also requires at least one Type I, II or III Per-
sonal Flotation Device (“PFD”), for each person on-board
or being towed on water skis, wakeboards or other rec-
reational equipment. In addition, one throwable Type IV
PFD must also be on board. As the owner, obtaining the
appropriate PFDs is your responsibility. Your MasterCraft
dealer can, and will be happy to assist you with your pur-
chase of appropriate PFDs.
Requirements for coastal waters and inland waters
differ. Check with the local authorities for more information.
Recommended Equipment
The responsible boat owner will avoid potential problems
on an outing by having additional equipment on board.
Normally, the decision regarding the appropriate equip-
ment to take on individual outings is dependent upon the
body of water and the length of the trip. We suggest the fol-
lowing equipment as a minimum (your MasterCraft dealer
can also assist you with additional recommendations):
• An anchor with at least 75 feet of line;
• A manual bailing device for removing water;
• A combination oar/boat hook;
• A day-and-night visual distress signal;
• A first aid kit and manual;
• An airway breathing tube;
• A waterproof flashlight;
• A non-electric horn or whistle;
• A set of local navigational charts;
• Mooring lines and fenders;
• Extra engine oil;
• A tool kit; and
• A portable, battery-operated AM/FM radio or weather
Safety Afloat
The cause of many boating accidents is often the opera-
tor’s failure to follow basic safety rules or written precau-
tions. Many accidents can be avoided if the operator is
2008 MasterCraft Owners Manual Page 1-2