8. Next, alternate bending your knees in a slow and easy walking motion. Each exercise should be repeated a few times
for best effect.
Remember to relax and breathe deeply between each exercise.
9. The exercise involves arching and lifting your buttocks off of the back rest.
10. Next, push your neck flat to the back rest while lifting your shoulders upward.
11. After a few repetitions, place one hand on your stomach and then reach over your head with the other, as if trying to
pick apples just out of reach.
Now, repeat the process, this time holding your arm out to your side. You should alternate your palms up and down from
time to time during this exercise. Finally, repeat the exercise holding your hand near your waist.
From this finishing position, move right into the next exercise, moving your arm in circles as if swimming the backstroke.
Repeat these hand and arm exercises with your other arm. End with your back flat to the backrest and both hands together
on your stomach.
12. The next exercise involves a three part move. Raise both hands over your head and then twist your torso and hips to
the right, raising the right knee at the same time. Return to the flat back, flat knee position and twist to the left side.
Return to the flat position and repeat the move a few times. End the exercise by bringing your hands back to rest on
your stomach.
13. The final exercise involves quarter sit-ups. Raise your head, shoulders, and upper back only, leaving the rest of your
back flat to the backrest. Proceed only as you feel comfortable to do so.
End by returning flat to the backrest and raising your arms over your head for a last reaching stretch.
14. Begin the dismount by taking hold of the hand grips, releasing the thumb locks, and returning to the horizontal
position. Relax for at least 60 seconds and move your knees in a walking mode for a few repetitions as before. Then
release the thumb locks and return to the 15 degree upright position. Pause again for a moment.
15. Finally, release the thumb locks and return the back rest to its last and most upright locking point. You should be able
to slip a foot out from under the foot pads and then release the foot restraint to its open position.
Step out and away from your Back-A-Traction.
It is very important to relax after each session. Avoid lifting and strenuous movements, and take it easy for a few
Now you have a basic stretching exercise program.
Start with caution. In the beginning "hold" means a few seconds. After you have been training for some weeks it may mean
20 to 30 seconds. Notice the reactions of your body. Intensify the exercises gradually.
Feel free to talk to your back specialist about an exercise program just for you.
After some time, when you are familiar with Back-A-Traction and the reactions of your body, you can do the stretching
exercises in the 30 degree inversion angle. (The second position after horizontal).
Total relaxation is necessary to get the best results.