background image

Take note of the polarity and connect the correct conductor leads of the charger to the
corresponding terminal of the accumulator. This means, connect the positive terminal (+)
of the charging unit (red wire) to the positive terminal (+) of the accumulator and the negative
terminal (-) of the charging unit to the negative terminal (-) of the accumulator If loading
an accumulator which is already fitted in the vehicle, connect the accu terminal (connected
to vehicle chassis) to the chassis of the charger last.

Connect the corresponding charger conductor to the chassis of the vehicle, keeping
sufficient distant to the accumulator and all fuel leads.

Only now one may insert the mainsplug into the socket.

After the charging process has finished, the charger plug must be disconnected first. Only
then the connection cable of the battery may be removed. When loading a battery which is

built into the vehicle, unplug the charging cable fitted to the chassis of the vehicle, first.

This charger is designed to recharge only lead acid accumulators with a rated voltage of

12V and for which a charging current of 

 is admissible.




Charging current

in quick-charge 


Charging voltage


in quick 




 (LED yellow)




charge mode:


 (LED green)

Maximum voltage at connection points 



In order to charge a lead acid accumulator, it needs to be connected as follows:

-positive terminal (+) charger to positive terminal (+) of accu-pack.
-negative terminal (-) charger to negative terminal (-) of accu-pack.

The accu-pack must be suitable for charging with at least 

 Only lead acid accumulators

which are suitable for a rated voltage of 12V must be used . Other types may not be charged.

If in doubt, consult with accumulator supplier.

A continuous red LED indicator light will show that quick-charge is in progress when the
constant voltage level is less than the maximum voltage, the LED changes to yellow. The

battery is now loaded up to 

 of its capacity. After completion of the full loading 

the LED display switches to the colour ‘green’. The accumulator is now fully charged.

III Advice 

Used or damaged accu-packs do not belong in the rubbish bin!

For reasons of environmental safety, 

 must be disposed off in battery-collection bins,

which should be available in every reputable electrical appliance store or recycling centre.






du Charaeur de 

Cet appareil 

 au chargement de batterie au plomb d’une tension de 12V et supportant

un courant de charge de 

 La capacite 

 de la batterie 


 comprise entre


 (d&pendant du constructeur).


Table des 




Consignes de 



 en Charge







 de deux electrodes, qui sont 

 dans une 


obtenons une reaction chimique. Ce processus chimique est reversible, 

 ainsi que

les accumulateurs peuvent 




   charger des batterie au plomb. Ce type de batterie se compose 

electrode positive d’hydroxyde de plomb et d’une electrode negative de metal de plomb.



La tension d’une 

 est de 2 


 de la batterie est de 2V x   nombre


 Les tension les plus 

 sont de 


 Sans charge est cette

tension globalement plus grande. En charge, la tension diminue plus ou mains rapidement

 de la batterie.

Pour charger une batterie, on utilise une tension 

 tension de charge, qui est

   la tension de 

 ainsi la tension de charge est plus 




 Ce rapport entre ces deux valeurs est 

 facteur de charge.



 qui depend directemnet du courant de charge est determinant pour

le bon 

 des accumulateurs. Ce facteur de charge ne peut 







 transform&e en 

 (Ex.: en chaleur etc.).

La capacite 


 les accumulateurs correspond 



courant disponible, ainsi une batterie de 

 peut foumir en 

 pendant une 

de vingt heures un courant de 

 Cette valeur depend de 

 des accumulateurs,

du courant de sortie, de la temperature etc.

Ainsi pour cette valeur 

 utilise I’appelation . 

 qui correspond au courant de charge

et de d&charge. Ce rapport est 

 en amperes /charge et en amperes- heures pour


 ainsi pour un accumulateur de 


 le temps les accumulateurs se 

 dans ce cas on 




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