For the purpose of demonstration, let’s assume that the register is in gallons, and that we want to
transmit the reading in 10’s of gallons, or one revolution of the sweep hand. The example register
completes one pulse for every revolution of the sweep hand (1 pulse / 10 gallons). This is what one
sweep would make the internal odometer look like:
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
As of this moment, we can safely input a pulse factor of 100, or as it would be in the setup software,
To calculate this out, especially for registers that are not as straightforward as this, assume a register
advance of 1 on wheel number 6 (again in our example).
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
How many pulses did it take us to get to this point (a full revolution of the sweep hand)? This will be
in the MARS Pulse Factor Formula.
Using this formula and “padding” zeros in front of the pulse factor to keep 8 digits, this is the pulse
factor to use when configuring these radios.
This pulse factor, which can now be put into the the “Pulse fact” field in the “MARS RADIO SET-UP”
software, will now allow the MARS SmartTransmitter/FlowBridge FlowCast to accurately count the
pulses off of the pulse-type meter.
Pulse Factor =
(internal 8-digit odometer reading with leading zeros to fill all 8 digits)
(number of pulses for a full sweep hand revolution)
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