Unload with a Winch
1. Remove ramps from deck mount and securely engage onto the rear load bar of the
deck. Align with tire width of vehicle.
2. Use the movable ladder to undo and remove all 4 tire tiedowns.
(remember to install
the spring pin when using the movable ladder, this is imperative to the strength of the
mounting positions)
3. Enter vehicle, close door, apply seat belt, press on the brake, place vehicle in
neutral and start to reverse the winch slowly. If using a vehicle mounted winch. If
using a remote operated winch, make sure vehicle is in neutral and reverse the winch
slowly. Watch to make sure your tires are lined up when transitioning from the deck to
the ramps. This is easier to achieve with another person helping spot you (but not
4. Continue down ramps until vehicle is completely on the ground. Place vehicle in park.
5. Place ramps back on the deck and pin in place with spring pin. Place movable ladder
back in holding position on the deck.
Your Unloaded
Marlon Recreational Products
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