Drive Shaft Air Seals
Motor Lubrication Instructions:
Open and lock out disconnect switch to make certain motor can-
not be started.
1. Remove interior driveshaft air seals as shown above. Opposite end motor
bearing is accessible by removing motor cover (24000 models do not
have a motor cover) on the exterior of the tower.
2. Lubricate motor according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Does not
apply to motors with sealed bearings.
Fiberglass Components Check all fiberglass parts for exposed glass fibers.
If found, the affected surfaces should be roughened up and solvent wiped.
Surfaces must be clean and dry and free of oil, grease or other contaminants
before applying new coating. The best coating system requires using a two-
part polyamide epoxy primer to promote adhesion and a two-part acrylic
polyurethane enamel for the topcoat. Contact your Marley sales representative
if additional information is required.
Prolonged Shutdown:
If shutdown period is longer than seasonal, contact your Marley sales engineer
for additional information.