Panel Control
Test position sets in minimum set point so that any vibration will cause trip
condition. Light will come on immediately, and trip will occur after duration of
the time delay, proving that the complete system is operational. If test position
is maintained for less than the duration of the time delay, trip will not occur,
thus permitting system test without shutdown.
No. of Trips—440DR: TWO: One for alarm and one for shutdown. Shutdown
set in in/sec (velocity model).
Analog Output for Trending and Remote Indication—440SR & 440DR:
± 10% accuracy over 4-20 mA DC range.
Absolute Option—4 mA = 0 vibration; 20 mA = Full scale range of switch.
Termination load resistance, less than 450 ohms.
Velocity Set Point—0.1 to 1.5 in in/sec or 0.2 to 3 in/sec peak. Metric ranges:
3 to 40 mm/sec or 6 to 80 mm/sec peak.
Frequency Range—2 to 1000 Hz
Time Delay—Field adjustable 2-15 sec. Factory set for 3 sec unless speci-
fied otherwise.
Alarm or Shutdown Output(s)—Solid state relay (triac). Two in 440DR.
Isolated (dry) contact. Each triac field settable for close on alarm (N.O.) or
open on alarm (N.C.). 5A continuous, 100A for 10 msec. Max. off-state leak-
age current: 1 Ma Min holding current: 50 mA typical Max. voltage across SS
relay: 140VAC (280VAC on 230V input units).
If the relay output is connecting to a PLC or DCS, DO NOT use 5A Triac.
VDE approved terminal strip
accepts #12 wire. Screw ad-
justable clamping yoke rather
than screw terminal permits
easy, vibration proof connec-
tion. All hardware is captive.
The triac or analog switch is
independently field settable to
open on alarm (N.C.) or close
on alarm (N.O.)
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