point controls permit adjusting set points to known values of vibration level.
Shutdown and Alarm set point range is in velocity. Alarm setpoint is calibrated
10% to 90% of shutdown setpoint.
3—4-20 mA output provides continuous monitoring capability on a millimeter or
a programmable controller for data logging or alarm. The 4 mA will be present
even when there is no vibration, thus demonstrating the unit is functioning.
4mA = No Vibration and 20mA Full Scale.
4—A solid-state relay (triac) is provided with contacts that are optically isolated
from the input power. The optional dual set point has two triacs. Each triac is
independently settable for open on alarm or close on alarm. Optional analog
switches or mechanical relays are available.
5—Adjustable (2-15 seconds) time delay is standard. This prevents false trip-
ping on high startup vibrations and also from non-repetitive transient events.
6—Self test and calibration.
A light adjacent to the set point control comes on the instant the measured
vibration level exceeds the set point. The unit can be periodically calibrated on
line, by turning the set point control down until the light comes on. This setting
is then compared with the vibration measured with a portable vibration meter,
thus providing a calibration check of the unit. If this setting is maintained, trip
will occur after the duration of the time delay.
Calibrated setpoint controls
enable operator to set specific
velocity trip points.
Light comes on immediately when vibration
exceeds setpoint (alarm or shutdown will
trip after 3 second time delay).
Adjustable time delay of 2-15 seconds.
Factory set at 3 seconds.