Decoder Installation
The locomotive must be checked before installing the deco-
der to make sure that it (locomotive) is in good mechanical
and electrical condition. There are situations when the loco-
motive will have to be repaired before installing the decoder.
Locomotives / Powered Rail Cars with a Connector
First unsolder the wires to the current pickups (pickup
shoe(s)), motor, and the lights. After that remove the old
decoder or reverse unit. Position the new decoder and solder
the wires according to the diagram nearby.
If the lights are grounded to the locomotive’s or powered rail
car’s ground on the frame, we recommend that the lights
be insulated from the locomotive ground. To do this, use the
E604180 plug-in bulb holder(s) and E610080 light bulb(s). This
will give you flicker-free lighting.
If your locomotive or powered rail car is equipped with LED
lighting, then series resistors must absolutely be installed.
Series resistors differ according to the current the design.
Find out the correct values for your LEDs. You may have to ask
your specialty dealer about this.
If you want to retrofit your locomotive or powered rail car
with LEDs, the cathodes (-) on the LED are connected to the
light output on the decoder.
Don’t forget
series resistors! The
anodes (+) are connected to the common wire (blue).
The common ground return (blue) must not be connected to
the ground for the locomotive or powered rail car.
This procedure is identical for the 60962 decoder and for the
connector board from the 60942 set. Make sure that you pay
absolute attention to the
for the
colors of the wires
Please note that the colors for the wires conform to the
European NEM standard. A cross reference of the Marklin
color scheme can be found page 26.
gray Motor Connection 2
black Conductor Current Pickup, Left
white Front Lights
green Function 1
blue Common Wire for Lights
yellow Rear Lights
red Conductor Current Pickup, Right / Center
orange Motor Connection 1
violet Function 2
Solder pads above
Solder pads below
8 rot
7 blau
6 weiß
5 grau
4 schwarz
3 grün
2 gelb
1 orange
each decoder.
Locomotives or powered rail cars with NEM 8-pin connector.
Solder the wires to the correct solder pads according to the
diagram above. Insert the plug into the connector while pay-
ing attention to the positioning.
Information on lighting see Dceoder 60942