Form No. S-2110 08/03
Printed in U.S.A
SECTION 3 maintenance Crank Sleeve Replacement:
The driving end of
the Saginaw Screw (2) is formed into a slotted sleeve
which receives the engagement pins of the removable
hand crank (1 ). A worn or chipped sleeve which causes
the hand crank to slip out of engagement during kettle
tilting can be repaired with a Crank Sleeve Replacement
Kit (part number 91-2155).
The Saginaw Screw assembly must be removed from the
kettle to complete kit installation, (par. The collar
(next to the ratchet wheel, Fig. 4-7) is removed by driving
out the roll pin which secures it to the screw shaft. The
replacement sleeve is slid over the faulty shaft end and
fastened with a roll pin. The repair is completed by re-
mounting the Saginaw Screw assembly. Brake Mechanism Disassembly and Repair:
brake mechanism, shown exploded in Figure 4-7,
functions as an anti-coast device for the Saginaw Screw.
When the hand crank (1) is turned clockwise (kettle
raising) , a ratchet wheel turns freely inside the ratchet
stop. Any "free wheeling" counter clockwise screw motion
is prevented by engagement of ratchet wheel teeth in the
stop and the drag of friction between the shaft collar, and
the ratchet wheel face. Additional torque applied by the
hand crank, as in kettle lowering, over-powers the drag
and allows the screw to turn with only mild resistance.
Failure of the brake mechanism to function as described
requires removal of the Saginaw Screw assembly (per and disassembly of the brake for cleaning.
1. Remove the shaft collar at the crank sleeve end by
driving out the roll pin and sliding the collar off.
2. Slide the ratchet wheel off and inspect fol clean-
liness. Use fine energy to remove an, build-up of
soil or glaze on facings.
3. Thoroughly clean all brake mechanisn parts of dirt
and lubricant.
4. Reassemble the mechanism taking care tha ratchet
wheel is facing correctly. Replace, the Saginaw
Screw assembly in the kettle cabinet.