Page 5
When the flow has stopped, rotate
the plunger either:
A quarter-turn clockwise (after
taking a 100 mL sample
volume), or
A quarter-turn anticlockwise
(after taking a 50 mL
sample volume).
Return the plunger to its starting
position without removing the
sampling tube.
For additional pump strokes,
repeat steps [2]–[5] without
removing the sampling tube from
the pump. The number of strokes
taken can be recorded by rotating
the counter on the pump.
After sampling, remove the tube,
and cap it, either with long-term
storage caps for storage or
transport, or DiffLok
for analysis.
Step [5]: Returning the plunger to
its starting position.
Step [6]: Record the number of strokes.
Step [4]: Rotating the plunger. Left: For a
100 mL sample. Right: For a 50 mL sample.