Penguin BIO-Wheel
Power Filters
The Difference is Performance
Perfect for freshwater or marine applications, Penguin BIO-Wheel
Power Filters deliver operational simplicity, easy maintenance, and
superior 3-stage aquarium filtration.
-Stage Filtration Efficiency
A healthy,successful aquarium requires the proper filtration.Three types
are necessary:
Mechanical Filtration
traps solid debris like uneaten food and fish waste.
Chemical Filtration
uses media (activated carbon) to adsorb (attract and
hold) dissolved pollutants which can cause discoloration and odor.
Penguin 170
Penguin 125
Biological Filtration
is the most critical kind of filtration. It depends
on a culture of beneficial oxygen-breathing bacteria to eliminate
toxic ammonia and nitrite that accumulate in aquarium water.
The bacteria culture biologically changes the ammonia and nitrite into
which is removed with a partial water change.
The patented Penguin BIO-Wheel
is the undisputed
best when it comes to biological filtration. Better
than frames or foams or fluidized beds.Better than
UGF’s and other submerged biomedia.Years of con-
tinuing laboratory tests and field evaluation prove it.
Superior BIO-Wheel Filtration
As the BIO-Wheel turns, it contacts water and air...providing the
bacteria with the oxygen they need to grow. Because it is a
biological filter, BIO-Wheel provides bacteria with as much as
30,000 times more oxygen than any
biological filtration.
More oxygen means more bacteria working many times harder
(and many times faster) to keep your tank ammonia-free and sparkling.
And because of this superior filtration efficiency, BIO-Wheel makes
it possible for you to maintain a greater number of fish in your aquarium.
Superior Convenience
The Penguin BIO-Wheel is easy to install, easy to operate. No
tubing or noisy air pumps are required. The Rite-Size Cartridge
changes in seconds and the BIO-Wheel never clogs, never needs
replacing, requires virtually no maintenance.
The Rite-Size
Filter Cartridge
supplies both mechanical and
chemical filtration.For mechanical filtration,there’s a polyfiber filter pad
to trap dirt and debris.For chemical filtration,each cartridge is packed
with Black Diamond
Premium Activated Carbon...the best there is.
The patented
cartridge back distributes carbon evenly for full
water-to-carbon contact...no “tea bag”effect,no water bypass.