Remove the fixing screw which holds the front cover onto the back plate of the
Power Pack heater. Carefully remove the cover.
The unit must be mounted on a flat surface, which covers the full width and
length of the back plate. It is important that the wall surface is flat otherwise difficulty
may be encountered when fitting the cover.
DO NOT fit the Power Pack to the wall and tile up to the case. It must be fitted
on to a finished flat and even wall surface. This allows removal for servicing.
Cable Entry
Cable entry can be from the rear (preferred see Figure 5) or from the bottom.
When opting for bottom entry make cut-out to suit cable before fitting back plate to
the wall.
Fix the Power Pack heater loosely to the wall. The wall plugs provided are
suitable for most brick walls (use a 0.26 inch diameter masonry drill), but if your wall
is plasterboard or soft building block, you should use special wall plugs and an
appropriate drill, obtainable from most hardware stores.
The Power Pack should be fitted as close as possible to the point to be
supplied, ideally within 4/5 feet as the length of the outlet pipe affects the initial
temperature from the outlet. If used to supply a shower, the Power Pack must be
installed outside the shower cubicle or shower room.
Decide where to connect to the water mains for your feed to the Power Pack.
Ensure that the pipe you have selected is not a gas pipe or a hot water pipe or from
a cold water storage tank.
Cut the necessary pipe work to length, assemble and offer up to the installation
before making any soldered joints. Ensure that the pipe is the correct length, as
shortening it can be difficult once joints have been made.
An isolating stop valve MUST be incorporated to the main water supply to
comply with Water Regulations.
Assemble the installation before making any soldered joints to ensure that the
pipe is the correct length. DO NOT use jointing compounds on any pipe fittings for
the installation.
Remove the unit before soldering the connections.
It is essential to flush the pipe in order to clear debris, particles of solder and
Turn the water off after flushing using the isolating stop valve.
Connect the cold water supply pipe to the inlet of the Power Pack, this is a 1/2"
BSP connection.
Fit top and bottom screws and secure the back plate to the wall ensuring that
it is level.
Connect all other components as per Figure 3.
Turn the isolating stop valve on slowly and check for leaks in all pipe work,
rectify as necessary.
Turn off the isolating stop valve.
Place the cover onto the back plate.
Secure the cover to back plate using screws provided.
Once installed, the heater will operate automatically when the outlet valve is
opened. The valve must be opened fully to obtain the set flow/temperature.
Reduced flow at the outlet will result in hotter water being delivered.
On closing the outlet valve the heating element will automatically shut down
provided this tap has been fully turned off by the user.
Setting Flow Rate
It is important to note when setting the flow rate/temperature that 118°F is the
point at which the average person cannot hold his or her hand under a stream of
water. Under most circumstances water temperature need not be higher than this
and it is recommended that this temperature is not exceeded.
These heaters will supply only one outlet at any time and must be controlled by
a single outlet valve. DO NOT USE WITH MIXER VALVES.