Front Panel
1. Time/Date Indicator-Displays hours and minutes in 12/24
hour format (for example, 00:00=midnight, 12:00=noon) or
month and date for current day or an event being pro-
grammed or revised.
Day of Week Indicator-Displays current day of week or
day being programmed. (Sunday=1, Monday=2,
2. Mode Keys-PRG (program), CLK (clock), HOL (holiday),
RUN used to select mode of operation.
3. Number/Day Keys-Used to select circuit number, and set
or program time, day, date and year.
4. Clear Key-Must be used to clear an old entry before a new
one may be entered and to clear keying errors.
5. AM/PM Key-Used to select 12-hour clock format and AM
or PM in program and clock modes.
6. Event TYP (type) Key-Used to select ON, OFF, or momen-
tary event type.
7. Manual OVR (override) Key-Used to toggle relay state
until next event.
8. DUR (duration) Key-Used to program length of momen-
tary pulses.
9. E (enter) Key-Used to enter a new set point and advances
to allow review of program.
The EC74/50S is easy to program. The sequence outlined
here is the logical order of programming. First, you will want
to program the time-of-day, day of week, date, and year.
Then you can program set points according to your applica-
tion (refer to Application Examples, Section VI for sample
programming). You program the start time of the set point
only, and you do not program the stop time. The starting of
the next programmed set point terminates the present set
For your convenience, the control can be programmed with-
out line power by using battery carryover. Relays, however,
will not operate without line power.