Turn left
Turn right
Turn the left/right turning control
stick to the left,the quad-copter
will turn left.
Turn the left/right turning control
stick to the right,the quad-copter
will turn right.
When the quad-copter is flying,
push up the forward/backward
control stick, the quad-copter will
move forward.
When the quad-copter is flying, push
down the forward/backward control
stick, the quad-copter will move
Turn the sideward flight control stick
to the left side,the quad-copter will
fly leftward.
Turn the sideward flight control stick
to the right side,the quad-copter will
fly rightward.
When both of the left and right control stick travels are more than 95%, roll
action will be performed once; when both of the left and right control stick
travels are less than 95%, the quad-copter will perform the flight according
to the received control signal.
There are 3 channels of the remote control: low speed channel, medium
speed channel and high speed channel. At any channel, press the roll
button on top of the remote control, the quad-copter will roll forward or roll
backward accordingly. When the remote control is at high speed channel,
roll action can be done through controlling the forward/backward control
stick and the leftward/rightward flight control stick.
3D Roll
Manual roll(at high speed channel):
ser’s Manual