background image


bg : 1) 

удостоверение за « СЕ » съответствие (oригинална)

, 2) Фирмата, 3) Адрес, 4) Техническо досие, 5) Фабрикант на описаната по-долу машина, 6) Обявява, че тази машина, 7) 

Отговаря на следните директиви и на тяхното съответствие национално право, 8) За машините към допълнение IV, 9)Номер на удостоверението, 10) Наименувана фирма, 15) 
хармонизирани стандарти използвани, 16) стандарти или технически правила, използвани, 17) Изработено в, 18) Дата, 19) Име на разписалия се, 20) Функция, 21) Функция.

cs :


ES prohlášení o shodě (původní)

, 2) Název společnosti, 3) Adresa, 4) Technická dokumentace, 5) Výrobce níže uvedeného stroje, 6) Prohlašuje, že tento stroj, 

7) Je v souladu s následujícími směrnicemi a směrnicemi transponovanými do vnitrostátního práva, 8) Pro stroje v příloze IV, 9) Číslo certifikátu, 10) Notifikační orgán, 
15) harmonizované normy použity, 16) Norem a technických pravidel používaných, 17) Místo vydání, 18) Datum vydání, 19) Jméno podepsaného, 20) Funkce, 21) Podpis.

da :


EF Overensstemmelseserklæring (original)

, 2) Firmaet, 3) Adresse, 4) tekniske dossier, 5) Konstruktør af nedenfor beskrevne maskine, 6) Erklærer, at denne maskine, 

7) Overholder nedennævnte direktiver og disses gennemførelse til national ret, 8) For maskiner under bilag IV, 9) Certifikat nummer, 10) Bemyndigede organ, 15) harmoniserede 
standarder, der anvendes, 16) standarder eller tekniske regler, 17) Udfærdiget i, 18) Dato, 19) Underskrivers navn, 20) Funktion, 21) Underskrift.

de :


EG-Konformitätserklärung (original)

, 2) Die Firma, 3) Adresse, 4) Technischen Unterlagen, 5) Hersteller der nachfolgend beschriebenen Maschine, 6) Erklärt, dass diese Maschine, 7) 

den folgenden Richtlinien und deren Umsetzung in die nationale Gesetzgebung entspricht, 8) Für die Maschinen laut Anhang IV, 9) Bescheinigungsnummer, 
10) Benannte Stelle, 15) angewandten harmonisierten Normen, 16) angewandten sonstigen technischen Normen und Spezifikationen, 17) Ausgestellt in, 18) Datum, 
19) Name des Unterzeichners, 20) Funktion, 21) Unterschrift.

el : 1) 

Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης CE (πρωτότυπο)

, 2) Η εταιρεία, 3) Διεύθυνση, 4) τεχνικό φάκελο, 5) Κατασκευάστρια του εξής περιγραφόμενου μηχανήματος, 

6) Δηλώνει ότι αυτό το μηχάνημα, 7) Είναι σύμφωνο με τις εξής οδηγίες και τις προσαρμογές τους στο εθνικό δίκαιο, 8) Για τα μηχανήματα παραρτήματος IV, 
9) Αριθμός δήλωσης, 10) Κοινοποιημένος φορέας, 15) εναρμονισμένα πρότυπα που χρησιμοποιούνται, 16) Πρότυπα ή τεχνικούς κανόνες που χρησιμοποιούνται, 
16) Είναι σύμφωνο με τα εξής πρότυπα και τεχνικές διατάξεις, 17) Εν, 18) Ημερομηνία, 19) Όνομα του υπογράφοντος, 20) Θέση, 21) Υπογραφή.

es :


Declaración DE de conformidad (original)

, 2) La sociedad, 3) Dirección, 4) expediente técnico, 5) Constructor de la máquina descrita a continuación, 6) Declara que esta máquina, 7) Está 

conforme a las siguientes directivas y a sus transposiciones en derecho nacional, 8) Para las máquinas anexo IV, 9) Número de certificación, 10) Organismo notificado, 15) normas armonizadas 
utilizadas, 16) Otras normas o especificaciones técnicas utilizadas, 17) Hecho en, 18) Fecha, 19) Nombre del signatario, 20) Función, 21) Firma. 

et :


EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon (algupärane)

, 2) Äriühing, 3) Aadress, 4) Tehniline dokumentatsioon, 5) Seadme tootja, 6) Kinnitab, et see toode, 7) On vastavuses järgmiste direktiivide ja 

nende riigisisesesse õigusesse ülevõtmiseks vastuvõetud õigusaktidega, 8) IV lisas loetletud seadmete puhul, 9) Tunnistuse number, 10) Sertifitseerimisasutus, 
15) kasutatud ühtlustatud standarditele, 16) Muud standardites või spetsifikatsioonides kasutatakse, 17) Väljaandmise koht, 18) Väljaandmise aeg, 19) Allkirjastaja nimi, 
20) Amet, 21) Allkiri.

fi :


EY-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus (alkuperäiset)

, 2) Yritys, 3) Osoite, 4) teknisen eritelmän, 5) Jäljessä kuvatun koneen valmistaja, 6) Vakuuttaa, että tämä kone, 

7) Täyttää seuraavien direktiivien sekä niitä vastaavien kansallisten säännösten vaatimukset, 8) Liitteen IV koneiden osalta, 9) Todistuksen numero, 10) Ilmoitettu laitos, 
15) yhdenmukaistettuja standardeja käytetään, 16) muita standardeja tai eritelmät, 17) Paikka, 18) Aika, 19) Allekirjoittajan nimi, 20) Toimi, 21) Allekirjoitus.

ga :


« EC »dearbhú comhréireachta (bunaidh)

, 2) An comhlacht, 3) Seoladh, 4) comhad teicniúil, 5) Déantóir an innill a thuairiscítear thíos, 6) Dearbhaíonn sé go bhfuil an t-inneall, 7) Go 

gcloíonn sé le na treoracha seo a leanas agus a trasuímh isteach i  ndlí náisiúnta, 8) Le haghaidh innill an aguisín IV, 9) Uimhir teastais, 10) Comhlacht a chuireadh i bhfios, 
15) caighdeáin comhchuibhithe a úsáidtear, 16) caighdeáin eile nó sonraíochtaí teicniúla a úsáidtear, 17) Déanta ag, 18) Dáta, 19) Ainm an tsínitheora, 20) Feidhm, 21) Síniú.

hu :


CE megfelelőségi nyilatkozat (eredeti)

, 2) A vállalat, 3) Cím, 4) műszaki dokumentáció, 5) Az alábbi gép gyártója, 6) Kijelenti, hogy a gép, 7) Megfelel az alábbi irányelveknek valamint 

azok honosított előírásainak, 8) A IV. melléklet gépeihez, 9) Bizonylati szám, 10) Értesített szervezet, 15) felhasznált harmonizált szabványok, 
16) egyéb felhasznált műszaki szabványok és előírások hivatkozásai, 17) Kelt (hely), 18) Dátum, 19) Aláíró neve, 20) Funkció, 21) Aláírás.

is :


(Samræmisvottorð ESB (upprunalega)

, 2) Fyrirtækið, 3) Aðsetur, 4) Tæknilegar skrá, 5) Smiður tækisins sem lýst er hér á eftir, 6) Staðfestir að tækið, 7) Samræmist eftirfarandi stöðlum 

og staðfærslu þeirra með hliðsjón af þjóðarrétti, 8) Fyrir tækin í aukakafla IV, 9) Staðfestingarnúmer, 10) Tilkynnt til, 15) samhæfða staðla sem notaðir, 
16) önnur staðlar eða forskriftir notað, 17) Staður, 18) Dagsetning, 19) Nafn undirritaðs, 20) Staða, 21) Undirskrift.

it :


Dichiarazione CE di conformità (originale)

, 2) La società, 3) Indirizzo, 4) fascicolo tecnico, 5) Costruttore della macchina descritta di seguito, 6) Dichiara che questa macchina, 7) 

È conforme alle direttive seguenti e alle relative trasposizioni nel diritto nazionale, 8) Per le macchine Allegato IV, 9) Numero di Attestazione, 10) Organismo notificato, 15) norme 
armonizzate applicate, 16) altre norme e specifiche tecniche applicate, 17) Stabilita a, 18) Data, 19) Nome del firmatario, 20) Funzione, 21) Firma.

lt :


CE atitikties deklaracija (originalas)

, 2) Bendrovė, 3) Adresas, 4) Techninė byla, 5) Žemiau nurodytas įrenginio gamintojas, 6) Pareiškia, kad šis įrenginys, 7) Atitinka toliau nurodytas 

direktyvas ir į nacionalinius teisės aktus perkeltas jų nuostatas, 8) IV priedas dėl mašinų, 9) Sertifikato Nr, 10) Paskelbtoji įstaiga, 15) suderintus standartus naudojamus, 16) Kiti standartai 
ir technines specifikacijas, 17) Pasirašyta, 18) Data, 19) Pasirašiusio asmens vardas ir pavardė, 20) Pareigos, 21) Parašas.

lv :


EK atbilstības deklarācija (oriģināls)

, 2) Uzņēmums, 3) Adrese, 4) tehniskās lietas, 5) Tālāk aprakstītās iekārtas ražotājs, 6) Apliecina, ka šī iekārta, 7) Ir atbilstoša tālāk norādītajām 

direktīvām un to transpozīcijai nacionālajā likumdošanā, 8) Iekārtām IV pielikumā, 9) Apliecības numurs, 10) Reģistrētā organizācija, 15) lietotajiem saskaņotajiem standartiem, 16) 
lietotajiem tehniskajiem standartiem un specifikācijām, 17) Sastādīts, 18) Datums, 19) Parakstītāja vārds, 20) Amats, 21) Paraksts.

mt :


Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Konformità KE (oriġinali)

, 2) Il-kumpanija, 3) Indirizz, 4) fajl tekniku, 5) Manifattriċi tal-magna deskritta hawn isfel, 6) Tiddikjara li din il-magna, 

7) Hija konformi hija konformi mad-Direttivi segwenti u l-liġijiet li jimplimentawhom fil-liġi nazzjonali, 8) Għall-magni fl-Anness IV, 9) Numru taċ-ċertifikat, 10) Entità nnotifikata, 
15) l-istandards armonizzati użati, 16) standards tekniċi u speċifikazzjonijiet oħra użati, 17) Magħmul f’, 18) Data, 19) Isem il-firmatarju, 20) Kariga, 21) Firma.

nl :


EG-verklaring van overeenstemming (oorspronkelijke)

, 2) Het bedrijf, 3) Adres, 4) technisch dossier, 5) Constructeur van de hierna genoemde machine, 6) Verklaart dat deze machine, 

7) In overeenstemming is met de volgende richtlijnen en hun omzettingen in het nationale recht, 8) Voor machines van bijlage IV, 9) Goedkeuringsnummer, 
10) Aangezegde instelling, 15) gehanteerde geharmoniseerde normen, 16) andere gehanteerde technische normen en specificaties, 17) Opgemaakt te, 18) Datum, 
19) Naam van ondergetekende, 20) Functie, 21) Handtekening.

no :


CE-samsvarserklæring (original)

, 2) Selskapet, 3) Adresse, 4) tekniske arkiv, 5) Fabrikant av følgende maskin, 6) Erklærer at denne maskinen, 7) Oppfyller kravene i følgende direktiver, 

med nasjonale gjennomføringsbestemmelser, 8) For maskinene i tillegg IV, 9) Attestnummer, 10) Notifisert organ, 15) harmoniserte standarder som brukes, 16) Andre standarder og 
spesifikasjoner brukt, 17) Utstedt i, 18) Dato, 19) Underskriverens navn, 20) Stilling, 21) Underskrift.

pl :


Deklaracja zgodności CE (oryginalne)

, 2) Spółka, 3) Adres, 4) dokumentacji technicznej, 5) Wykonawca maszyny opisanej poniżej, 6) Oświadcza, że ta maszyna, 

7) Jest zgodna z następującymi dyrektywami i odpowiadającymi przepisami prawa krajowego, 8) Dla maszyn załącznik IV, 9) Numer certyfikatu, 10) Jednostka certyfikująca, 15) 
zastosowanych norm zharmonizowanych, 16) innych zastosowanych norm technicznych i specyfikacji, 17) Sporządzono w, 18) Data, 19) Nazwisko podpisującego, 
20) Stanowisko, 21) Podpis.

pt :


Declaração de conformidade CE (original)

, 2) A empresa, 3) Morada, 4) processo técnico, 5) Fabricante da máquina descrita abaixo, 6) Declara que esta máquina, 

7) Está em conformidade às directivas seguintes e às suas transposições para o direito nacional, 8) Para as máquinas no anexo IV, 9) Número de certificado, 
10) Entidade notificada, 15) normas harmonizadas utilizadas, 16) outras normas e especificações técnicas utilizadas, 17) Elaborado em, 18) Data, 19) Nome do signatário, 
20) Cargo, 21) Assinatura.

ro :


Declaraţie de conformitate CE (originală)

, 2) Societatea, 3) Adresa, 4) cărtii tehnice, 5) Constructor al maşinii descrise mai jos, 6) Declară că prezenta maşină, 

7) Este conformă cu directivele următoare şi cu transpunerea lor în dreptul naţional, 8) Pentru maşinile din anexa IV, 9) Număr de atestare, 10) Organism notificat, 15) standardele 
armonizate utilizate, 16) alte standarde si specificatii tehnice utilizate, 17) Întocmit la, 18) Data, 19) Numele persoanei care semnează, 20) Funcţia, 21) Semnătura.

sk :


ES vyhlásenie o zhode (pôvodný)

, 2) Názov spoločnosti, 3) Adresa, 4) technickej dokumentácie, 5) Výrobca nižšie opísaného stroja, 6) Vyhlasuje, že tento stroj, 

7) Je v súlade s nasledujúcimi smernicami a smernicami transponovanými do vnútroštátneho práva, 8) Pre stroje v prílohe IV, 9) Číslo certifikátu, 10) Notifikačný orgán, 
15) použité harmonizované normy, 16) použité iné technické normy a predpisy, 17) Miesto vydania, 18) Dátum vydania, 19) Meno podpisujúceho, 20) Funkcia, 21) Podpis.

sl :


ES Izjava o ustreznosti (izvirna)

, 2) Družba. 3) Naslov. 4) tehnične dokumentacije, 5) Proizvajalac tukaj opisanega stroja, 6) Izjavlja, da je ta stroj, 7) Ustreza naslednjim direktivam in 

njihovi transpoziciji v državno pravo, 8) Za stroje priloga IV, 9) Številka potrdila, 10) Obvestilo organu, 15) uporabljene harmonizirane standarde, 
16) druge uporabljene tehnične standarde in zahteve, 17) V, 18) Datum, 19) Ime podpisnika, 20) Funkcija, 21) Podpis.

sv :


CE-försäkran om överensstämmelse (original)

, 2) Företaget, 3) Adress, 4) tekniska dokumentationen, 5) Konstruktör av nedan beskrivna maskin, 6) Försäkrar att denna maskin, 7) 

Överensstämmer med nedanstående direktiv och införlivandet av dem i nationell rätt, 8) För maskinerna i bilaga IV, 9) Nummer för godkännande, 10) Organism som underrättats, 15) 
Harmoniserade standarder som använts, 16) andra tekniska standarder och specifikationer som använts, 17) Upprättat i, 18) Datum, 19) Namn på den som undertecknat, 20) Befattning, 
21) Namntecknin.

647382 EN (01/02/2015)

Содержание 260 TJ


Страница 2: ensure that the platform remains in a completely safe and operational condition The platform has been designed and produced to enable you to perform your overhead work completely safely Before it w...

Страница 3: ...E 4 ELECTRICITY THE TEXT AND THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART 27 02 2012 14 06 2012 13 02 2015 1st PUBLICATION DATE Update 1 20 1 21 2 4 2 6 2 8 2 12...

Страница 4: ...FRONT REAR 260 TJ 280 TJ 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 6: ...1 2 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 8: ...platform operator tempted to operate a truck to win a bet in competition or for their own personal experience The person in charge of the equipment must take these criteria into account when assessing...

Страница 9: ...r safety and that of others you must not change the structure and settings of the various components used in your platform hydraulic pressure calibrating limiters I C engine speed addition of extra eq...

Страница 10: ...for it on the platform and be written in the language used by the operator Any operations or manoeuvres not described in the operator s manual must necessarily be forbidden right from the start Follo...

Страница 11: ...ies The batteries are not charged in an explosive environment There is no smoking and no naked flame directed towards the batteries when they are being handled during removal re installation and check...

Страница 12: ...body outside the basket is forbidden Safety helmets must be worn MANITOU recommends a safety harness in the operator s size be provided when the platform is in use for the harness attachement in the b...

Страница 13: ...o not heap up these materials to the pint where you have to step over them If the basket must remain stationary over a structure for a long period there is a risk that the basket will rest on this str...

Страница 14: ...water moderate waves of some length 6 Strong breeze 22 27 39 49 10 8 13 8 Large branches are moved overhead wires whistle umbrella use becomes difficult Waves form with white foam crests and airborne...

Страница 15: ...g into a low doorway overhead electric wires travelling cranes highway bridges tracks or any obstacle in the area in front of the platform In reverse look directly behind you In any case avoid reversi...

Страница 16: ...tor for more than 15 seconds and carry out the preheating for 10 seconds between unsuccessful attempts Check all control instruments when the I C engine is warm and at regular intervals during use so...

Страница 17: control of your speed Travel slowly on damp slippery or uneven terrain or on truck ramps Always remember that the hydraulic form of steering is very sensitive to movements Never leave the I C engin...

Страница 18: ...he platform after a long working period leave the I C engine idling for a few moments to allow the coolant liquid and oil to lower the temperature of the I C engine and transmission Do not forget this...

Страница 19: ...elded without damaging the electronic components The power supply to the welding equipment must be via an earthed socked and any extension required just also be earthed In all cases ensure that there...

Страница 20: ...s Failure to perform the periodic service may cancel the contractual guarantee MAINTENANCE LOG The maintenance work performed following the recommendations in Part 3 MAINTENANCE and the other inspecti...

Страница 21: ...attery or batteries before welding on the platform When carrying out electric welding work on the platform connect the negative cable from the equipment directly to the part being welded so as to avoi...

Страница 22: ...gine running at idling speed for a few minutes then switch off Replace the I C engine oil and oil filter see 3 MAINTENANCE Add the protective product to the engine oil Run the I C engine for a short t...

Страница 23: ...ine cut off solenoid Refit and reconnect the battery Remove the protection from the cylinder rods Perform the daily service see 3 MAINTENANCE Empty and replace the fuel and replace the fuel filter see...

Страница 24: ...he manufacture of cement or to create reusable granules LENSES These can be removed and collected for processing by glass manufacturers ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION If you entrust the maintenance of your p...

Страница 25: ...1 21 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 26: starting before power to component B Out neutral movement at starting D Short circuit To E Redundant sensor failure TOR or ANA F Out range valve G High level default H Low level default S Communic...

Страница 27: ...7 1 24 7 MANUAL CONTROL PROCEDURE REF 833547 833548 1 24 8 EMERGENCY PUMP REF 833549 1 24 9 RISK OF BEING CRUSHED REF 676988 1 25 10 DANGER KEEP AWAY REF 679450 1 25 11 DANGER RISK OF CRUSHING REF 679...

Страница 28: ...ENSORS AND COILS REF 833687 1 31 25 TURRET ROTATION SENSORS REF 833688 1 31 26 OVERLOAD SENSORS REF 833694 52523374 1 31 27 ANGLE SENSORS REF 833696 1 32 28 ABACUS SENSORS REF 833697 52523378 1 32 29...

Страница 29: ...forward travel by looking at the arrows on the chassis and those on the basket control console 3 BASKET INSTRUCTIONS AND LOAD CAPACITY This describes several points The platform s capacity in indoor a...

Страница 30: ...t be towed if it breaks down 4C WASHING RECOMMENDATIONS It is strictly forbidden to use a pressure washer to clean the control knobs and the electrical components 5 WHEEL LOAD This shows the maximum l...

Страница 31: ...e procedure for performing movements with the emergency pump and the manual controls when an accident or breakdown occurs that makes the electrical control box inoperative see the description in SECTI...

Страница 32: ...ructure arms jib mounted platform basket and in the lifting platform s operating area 11 DANGER OF BEING CRUSHED It is strictly forbidden to park in this area when the lifting platform is moving trans...

Страница 33: ...ker shows the location of the anchoring points for tying the platform on a lorry bed see 3 OCCASIONAL MAINTENANCE 15 HYDRAULIC OIL This indicates that this reservoir is designed only to hold hydraulic...

Страница 34: ...zontal 2 X Y CONTROL FUNCTION X function Pressing the XY Control button simultaneously with a telescope extension or retraction control enables the basket to remain in the same horizontal position whi...

Страница 35: ...f the pendular arm 19 WASHING RECOMMENDATIONS It is strictly forbidden to use a pressure washer to clean the control knobs and the electrical components 20 BATTERY LOCATION This sticker shows the loca...

Страница 36: ...tform 22 LOAD CARRIER LOADING This adhesive describes the procedure to perform to load the lifting platform on the truck load carrier 23 CABLES SETTING This adhesive describes the procedure to adjust...

Страница 37: ...ut neutral movement at starting D Short circuit To E Redundant sensor failure TOR or ANA F Out range valve G High level default H Low level default S Communication default T Memory default U Functiona...

Страница 38: ...he lower arm and the corresponding fault codes 28 ABACUS SENSORS This adhesive shows the location of Abacus sensors and the corresponding fault codes 29 PENDULAR ARM BLOCK COILS This adhesive shows th...

Страница 39: ...S This adhesive shows the location of the brake block coils 32 POWER FUSES This adhesive shows the location of the power fuses 33 POINT OF CENTRALIZED GREASING This adhesive indicates the element whic...

Страница 40: ...1 36 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 41: ...2 1 2 DESCRIPTION 2 DESCRIPTION 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 42: ...2 2 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 44: ...les machines annexe IV For annex IV machines 9 Num ro d attestation Certificate number 0062 5131 760 02 15 305 10 Organisme notifi Notified body VERITAS 61 71 Boulevard du Ch teau 92 571 NEUILLY SUR...

Страница 45: ...ojas 6 Parei kia kad is renginys 7 Atitinka toliau nurodytas direktyvas ir nacionalinius teis s aktus perkeltas j nuostatas 8 IV priedas d l ma in 9 Sertifikato Nr 10 Paskelbtoji staiga 15 suderintus...

Страница 46: ...our les machines annexe IV For annex IV machines 9 Num ro d attestation Certificate number 0526 5131 760 04 12 4967 10 Organisme notifi Notified body CETIM NB N 0526 52 avenue Felix Louat BP 80067 603...

Страница 47: ...ojas 6 Parei kia kad is renginys 7 Atitinka toliau nurodytas direktyvas ir nacionalinius teis s aktus perkeltas j nuostatas 8 IV priedas d l ma in 9 Sertifikato Nr 10 Paskelbtoji staiga 15 suderintus...

Страница 48: ...nal law 8 Pour les machines annexe IV For annex IV machines 9 Num ro d attestation Certificate number 0062 5131 760 02 15 306 10 Organisme notifi Notified body VERITAS 61 71 Boulevard du Ch teau 92 57...

Страница 49: ...ojas 6 Parei kia kad is renginys 7 Atitinka toliau nurodytas direktyvas ir nacionalinius teis s aktus perkeltas j nuostatas 8 IV priedas d l ma in 9 Sertifikato Nr 10 Paskelbtoji staiga 15 suderintus...

Страница 50: ...PLATFORM S MANUFACTURER S PLATE FIG A Type Serial No Year of manufacture LOCATION OF THE MANUFACTURER S PLATE FIG B REP B1 The manufacturer s plate is fixed on the chassis IC ENGINE FIG C NO C1 Engine...

Страница 51: ...YDROSTATIC PUMP FIG D Pump No Coding type Manufacture No Year of manufacture FRONT AXLE FIG E Axle type Serial No Manufacture No REAR AXLE FIG F Axle type Serial No Manufacture No D F E 647382 EN 01 0...

Страница 52: ...ront wheel in transport position Kg 5 500 5 675 10 Load on one rear wheel transport position Kg 2 800 2 550 10 Maximum load on one wheel working position Kg 10 500 9 500 Contact surface on the ground...

Страница 53: ...of basket 500 mm Abacus 1 mm 21 450 Load 240 Kg 19 700 1 Working offset interior of basket 500 mm Abacus 2 mm 19 450 Load 350 Kg 1 Floor height basket at max offset mm 3 050 2 900 1 Overhang under upp...

Страница 54: BOSCH REXROTH 14VG56 Cubic capacity Cm3 46 Max service pressure bar 400 5 Hydrostatic motor BOSCH REXROTH A2FM125 Cubic capacity Cm3 125 Axle DANA Reduction ratio 47 06 Traction power mesured daNm...

Страница 55: ...E Pressure m 10 ABSOLUTE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT UNIT 280 TJ 260 TJ TOL Battery Supplier Initial mounting EXIDE C5 capacity Ah 145 Nominal voltage V 12 Type START UP Alternator Type Intensity A 60 Voltage...

Страница 56: ...1 P A1 F L M K N H J O I D A B A 10840 mm A1 7880 mm B 2800 mm C 2510 mm C1 2705 mm D 2430 mm E 410 mm F 355 mm G 385 mm H 2000 mm I 4330 mm J 4420 mm K 5180 mm L 9270 mm M 6845 mm N 4030 mm O 5160 mm...

Страница 57: ...2 17 DIAGRAM 260 TJ D1 8285 mm H1 23909 mm D2 19202 mm H2 2798 mm H3 180 mm Abacus 400 kg TURRET ROTATION AXLE meters meters 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 58: ...A1 C G P B A B H I M L K N J O A 11355 mm A1 8040 mm B 2800 mm C 2750 mm C1 2725 mm D 2430 mm E 430 mm F 375 mm G 500 mm H 2000 mm I 4330 mm J 4420 mm K 5180 mm L 9750 mm M 7340 mm N 4030 mm O 5710 m...

Страница 59: ...ue 350 kg 0 m tres 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 4 2 8 6 4 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 AXE ROTATION TOURELLE m tres D1 9100 mm H1 25750 mm D2 20950 mm H2 3050 mm H3 1150 mm D3 18950 mm TURRET ROTATION AXLE met...

Страница 60: ...cue procedure are affixed to the machine The operator must be aware of these and fully understand their content In order to avoid any risk of wrongly interpreting the pictograms please refer to the SA...

Страница 61: ...the telescopic arm and lowering the arms To re enable lifting movements once the nacelle is returned to the transport position cancel the fault by pressing OK 7c If the fault persists contact your dea...

Страница 62: ...2 22 BASE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS A GROUND MAINTENANCE AND RESCUE STATION 685368 4 1 2 3 8 5 6 13 12 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 14 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 64: ...2 24 BASKET CONTROL INSTRUMENTS B BASKET CONTROL STATION 23 41 24 22 34 29 25 27 26 30 28 32A 31 33 40 39 37 38 43 44 35 42 36 32B 21 45 46 47 47 48 47 47 35A 35B 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 66: ...ating 2 STARTER BUTTON BUTTON 2 Engine start up 3 GROUND OR PLATFORM CONTROL SELECTION SWITCH This contactor has two positions POSITION 1 Control is from the basket POSITION 2 The commands come from t...

Страница 67: ...o action can be performed on the control panels at ground level or in the basket 5 LOW TEMPERATURE ENGINE START UP AID This selector switch has two positions to be selected according to the ambient ai...

Страница 68: and minus keys Fault acknowledgement key the fault has been viewed this key enables you to make the fault disappear from the screen without necessarily clearing it 7D This Menu key has two functi...

Страница 69: ...HE LEFT Hold down the Dead Man s button 8 and press key 9A B TURRET ROTATION TO THE RIGHT Hold down the Dead Man s button 8 and press key 9B 10 RAISING AND LOWERING OF THE ARM These keys used simultan...

Страница 70: ...Man s function 8 and press key 12A 13 RAISING AND LOWERING OF THE PENDULAR UNIT These keys used simultaneously with button 8 in the Dead Man s position enable you to raise and lower the pendular arm...

Страница 71: platform is in translation or when a raising or lowering movement is instructed 17 TILT SENSOR This sensor controls the safety buzzer 47 when the lifting platform has reached the maximum authorised...

Страница 72: ...ncy pump should not be used for more than 4 minutes Pausing for 10 minutes between each use of the pump is strongly recommended Failure to follow this instruction could damage the emergency pump 20 FU...

Страница 73: ...2 33 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 74: ...ROTATING RIGHT Push the lever to the right ROTATING LEFT Push the lever to the left 22 ARM TELESCOPERAISINGANDLOWERING TELESCOPEEXTENSIONANDRETRACTIONCONTROL Lever 21 enables you to raise the arm and...

Страница 75: ...sis and those on the basket control console white and black arrows Always refer to the arrows on the machine s chassis to learn the translation direction 24 PRE HEATING LED The LED comes on when the m...

Страница 76: ...en the fuel level is low the basket buzzer is activated Level 1 alert 3 beeps every 10 minutes Level 2 alert 3 beeps every minute Level 3 alert 3 beeps every 10 seconds and locking of the lifting move...

Страница 77: ...ted as a safety measure see the SAFETY SYSTEMS section 32B USE WHILE UNDER TILT This button neutralizes the ban on movements when the lifting platform is tilting see the SAFETY SYSTEMS section If you...

Страница 78: ...rectly aligned with the machine s axis 35B REAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT This indicator light illuminates when the rear wheels are correctly aligned with the machine s axis 36 X YCONTROL FUNCTION This control...

Страница 79: ...e pendular unit s joint see SECTION 1 SAFETY STICKERS Automatic stop on 0 39 BASKET TILT EXCEPT 260TJ This contactor enables you to raise and lower the basket and can be used to correct the basket s h...

Страница 80: ...SPEED Only with steering selector mode 35 in the crab position or two wheel drive position NB When the selector switch is in position 3 high speed and the machine is in 4 wheel drive the switch moves...

Страница 81: ...r is overloaded and notifies the presence of certain faults Intermittent buzzing machine tilted Continuous buzzing machine overloaded Various faults 47 SAFETY HARNESS ATTACHMENT POINTS These attachmen...

Страница 82: ...cope locking X Prohibition on travel during Work mode X Prohibition on basket tilting during Work mode X Activation of wheel realignment X Safe Man System Activation X Manufacturer s options Encoded a...

Страница 83: ...eed X Basket tilt extension max speed X Basket tilt retraction max speed X Turret rotation RIGHT maximum speed X Turret rotation LEFT maximum speed X Basket rotation RIGHT maximum speed X Basket rotat...

Страница 84: ...2 to start up the IC engine Fig B Do not operate the starter for more than 30 seconds and run a pre heating cycle between all failed attempts to start Release the button as soon as the engine starts a...

Страница 85: ...stems are activated Fig E NB You must use ramp speed full power speed restricted to 2 km h to cross a steep slope or move over very broken ground This can prove very useful when for example you must b...

Страница 86: platform lifting rotation look around and above you Pay particular attention to the electric cables and any items that may be in the lifting platform s operating space Familiarise yourself with th...

Страница 87: ...t the lifting platform Also check the flatbed s permissible ground contact pressure with respect to the lifting platform There is a risk of the platform losing grip slipping or skidding when going up...

Страница 88: ...0 Fig D Also set chocks on the truck bed on the inside and the outside of each tyre 51 Fig E Lash the lifting platform down on the truck bed with sufficiently strong ropes 52 Fig D to the front and th...

Страница 89: ...CIDENT OR BREAKDOWN RESCUE SYSTEM ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN When an accident or breakdown occurs which makes the electrical control boxes unusable the machine has systems for performing all the machine s m...

Страница 90: ...nding the telescope Lowering the lower arm and telescope Raising the lower arm and telescope Lowering the pendular arm with basket compensation Raising the pendular arm with basket compensation Manual...

Страница 91: ...activate the emergency pump and at the same time use the basket controls See the CONTROL INSTRUMENTS section B LIFTING PLATFORM CONTROL STATION Only to be used to bring the basket down to the ground...

Страница 92: ...2 52 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 93: ...le controls The blue warning light and an audible alarm are activated If the user releases the pressure sensitive edge Bypressingthenacelle OFF rearmingbutton Fig B once theusercanregaincontrol of the...

Страница 94: ...2 54 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 95: ...3 1 3 MAINTENANCE 3 MAINTENANCE 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 96: ...3 2 647382 EN 01 02 2015...


Страница 98: ...NITOU ORIGINAL PARTS INYOUR SERVICING OPERASTIONS YOU BENEFIT Through its network MANITOU provides the operator with FROM KNOW HOW Know how and competence Guarantee of the quality of the work performe...

Страница 99: ...UIT 01 Operation of the service and parking brake 02 Brake fluid level 105 LUBRICATION AND GREASING 106 JIB MANISCOPIC MANIACCES ASSEMBLY 01 Beam and telescope s 02 Skid 03 Joints 04 Protective plate...

Страница 100: ...81909 Replace 500 H This interval is provided only as an indication see 3 MAINTENANCE MAINTENACE TABLE for cleaning and replacing this FILTER ELEMENTS AND BELTS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM HYDROSTATICTRANSMISSIO...

Страница 101: ...erence 831136 TELESCOPE BASE INDUCTIVE SENSOR Reference 833436 LOWER ARM ANGULAR SENSOR Reference 831471 TURRET ROTATION INDUCTIVE SENSOR Reference 833439 PENDULAR UNIT ANGULAR SENSOR Reference 831430...

Страница 102: ...sis of the engine and axle oils may be requested depending on the usage level CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RECOMMENDED FUEL Use a quality fuel to obtain optimum performance from the engine Diesel fuels CE N...

Страница 103: ...l 20 l 209 l 1000 l 545976 582391 894257 720149 REAR WHEEL REDUCER Oil SHELL SPIRAX A 90 20 l 209 l 661950 662000 LIFTING STRUCTURE COMPONENTS TO BE LUBRICATED CAPACITY RECOMMENDATION PACKAGING REFERE...

Страница 104: ...Fuel filter cartridge 2 3 24 3 26 R N R Engine oil filter 2 3 31 R R Fuel tank 3 32 V N Dry air filter safety cartridge 3 32 R Engine silentblocks 3 34 C Engine speeds 3 34 C Valve sets 3 34 C C Inje...

Страница 105: ...s and the cables themselves 3 34 C C Sensors and coils 3 39 C XXX FRONT AND REAR AXLE Front and rear axle differential oil 3 19 3 33 C C V R Front and rear Transfer box oil 3 19 3 33 C C V R Front and...

Страница 106: ...raising the platform Result the platform should rise Perform this test on the raising lowering turret rotation and translation functions with a view to achieving the same result BUZZER Press the bask...

Страница 107: ...vel is up to the supply opening If the radiator cap must be removed follow the above precautions and then retighten it securely Use pure fresh water and an antifreeze solution to refill the emergency...

Страница 108: ...ave any cracks or tears through which water could penetrate risking damage to the machine s operation A8 CONDITION OF THE WHEELS AND TYRES CHECK Check the condition of the tyres for any cuts tears bul...

Страница 109: take the following precautions Wear protective goggles Keep the battery horizontal when manipulating it Never smoke or work close to a naked flame Work in a sufficiently well ventilated area If som...

Страница 110: ...ase the front axle s oscillation shaft 3 Figs B3 2 B3 5 and B3 6 2 grease nipples Grease the transmission s universal joint at the front 4 Fig B3 7 B3 5 B3 7 B3 2 B3 1 2 FRONT AXLE REAR AXLE B3 3 1 2...

Страница 111: ...sen the bolts 1 Fig B4 2 two or three turns Swivel the alternator assembly to obtain the requisite belt tension Retighten the bolts 1 fig B4 1 When changing an alternator belt recheck the tension afte...

Страница 112: this operation Clean the inside of the filter with a clean damp lint free cloth Check the condition of the filter cartridge and replace it if necessary Refit the cartridge and the cover Never wash...

Страница 113: ...e engine off Remove the level plug 2 Fig C2 1 front axle Fig C2 2 rear axle the oil should be flush with the hole If necessary add oil See the LUBRICANTS section via the filling hole1 Fig C2 1 front a...

Страница 114: ...observe this instruction may cause the wheel pins to be damaged and break as well as the wheels to deform C6 EMERGENCY PUMP CHECK Switch off the engine Check that the emergency pump is operating corre...

Страница 115: ...illing the reducer via the filling sniffler cap See the tables on pages 3 8 and 3 9 Refit the filling sniffler cap 1 Fig C8 C9 TURRET AND AXLES ORIENTATION CROWN GREASE The bearing raceways and the te...

Страница 116: ...3 22 C10 AXLES GREASE Clean and then grease the following points see the LUBRICANTS section for details of the grease and remove the surplus Legend AXLE HUB JOINT 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 117: ...ding the telescope and raising the arms should be blocked the tilt light is lit in the basket the buzzer is activated intermittently in the basket If a malfunction occurs prohibit use of the platform...

Страница 118: ...injection pump and the injectors wear more rapidly To avoid this regularly clean the fuel filter container C17 ALTERNATOR FAN CRANKSHAFT BELTTENSION ADJUST Open the left hand cowl Check the condition...

Страница 119: ...on about adjusting the overload In the case of malfunction forbid usage of the nacelle Consult your dealership C20 STOPPING DISTANCE CHECK STOPPING DISTANCE ON HORIZONTAL GROUND The stopping distance...

Страница 120: ...CE FILTER ELEMENTS AND BELTS Insert the cartridge in the axis of the filter and push it in by pressing on the circumference and not on the centre Refit the lid orienting the valve to the rear When usi...

Страница 121: ...hydrostatic pump s hydraulic transmission circuit CLEANING OUT THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT Let the engine turn over for 5 minutes without using the lifting platform D5 AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER CARTRI...

Страница 122: ...evel should be above the red mark on the gauge 5 Fig D6 4 Dispose of the drained oil in an environmentally friendly manner D7 CONDITION OF THE HOSES CHECK Check the apparent condition cracking of the...

Страница 123: ...the temperature but a minimum level of 1260 at 16 C must be maintained In the hatched section Fig D11 the battery is normally charged Above the hatched section the battery must be recharged The densit...

Страница 124: ...ft hand side of the chassis and make a translation movement The lifting platform must not move forward After the test reconnect the coil D14 ALTERNATOR FAN CRANKCASE BELT REPLACE Open the left hand co...

Страница 125: ...oil in an environmentally friendly manner FILTER REPLACEMENT Remove the engine oil filter 3 Fig D16 3 and throw it away together with its seal Clean the filter bracket with a clean lint free cloth Li...

Страница 126: ...n litres of diesel poured through the filling hole 1 Fig E1 2 Refit and tighten the filling caps 1 2 Fig E1 1 Refill the fuel tank with clean diesel filtered through a strainer or a clean lint free cl...

Страница 127: ...ceptacle under the drain plug 3 Fig E4 1 and remove the filling plug 1 Fig E4 1 to ensure good drainage Refill with oil see the LUBRICANTS section via the filling hole 1 Fig E4 1 The level is correct...

Страница 128: ...K Inspect the following sectors check the condition of the bundles no deterioration and nothing loose Base control console Hydraulic block Battery Intermediate joint Basket control console E8 ENGINE S...

Страница 129: ...To drain the coolant always open the drain tap Fig F1 2 and radiator cap 3 Fig F1 2 both at the same time NB The coolant cannot drain from the radiator while the radiator cap is still closed Let the...


Страница 131: ...rn the ignition key to the second notch to switch the machine on Open the left hand cover BLEEDING THE FUEL FILTER Refill the tank Open the fuel filter tap 1 Figs G1 1 and G1 2 Slightly loosen the fue...

Страница 132: This operation enables you to distribute the load on the axles by positioning the counterweight on the axle opposite the wheel change Unlock the nuts on the wheel to be changed Set a jack under the...

Страница 133: ...3 on each axle front and rear Screwinthescrews2 Fig G5 3 uptothemechanicalstop followingthepre definedtightening order tighten screw 2A a quarter turn and then tighten screw 2B a quarter turn and so o...

Страница 134: starting before power to component B Out neutral movement at starting D Short circuit To E Redundant sensor failure TOR or ANA F Out range valve G High level default H Low level default S Communic...

Страница 135: ...4 1 4 ELECTRICITY 4 ELECTRICITY 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 136: ...4 2 647382 EN 01 02 2015...

Страница 137: ...Amps F9 Preheating power supply 2 30 Amps F10 Harness assembly 2 5 Amps F11 Ground protection of UPC30 10 Amps F12 Protection electrical wires 30 Amps F13 Protection electrical wires 30 Amps F14 Groun...

Страница 138: ...4 4 647382 EN 01 02 2015...
