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revision for this product offering as well as supporting documentation
LOCATION: The area where the system is used must be no less capable of supporting twice the
weight of the system and the loads applied by the system in event of a fall.
SYSTEM CAPACITY FOR X1000: The maximum number of users per unit is 2 . Only 1 user per
individual anchor point is permitted.
AXLE& TIRE- This units conforms to the EN 795:2012 & TS16415:2013 with/without the use of an
axle or tire.
COMPONENT COMPATIBILITY: the XSERIES Mobile Grabber is designed for use with retractable
fall arrest conform to EN360 and approved components only. Substitution or replacement with
non-approved components will endanger the compatibility within the system and may affect the
reliability and safety of the total system. It is recommended the user(s) attaching to this system
use only retractable fall arrest conform to EN360 and connectors conform to EN 362.
MOVING THE SYSTEM: Always disconnect workers before attempting to move the system. Never
expose a worker(s) to a fall hazard by pulling the system while connected to the system.
SURFACE GRADE: The XSERIES Mobile Grabber is designed for use on surfaces that allow the
unit to be leveled within 2° horizontal and vertical to grade.
WORKING DISTANCE: do not exceed working distance requirements.
CONNECTORS: Anchorage connectors are components that couple the personal fall arrest
system to the anchorage. In accordance with EN 362. Non-approved, non-compatible components
may cause accidental disengagement (roll-out). Only self-locking, self-closing connectors are