Full Body Harness Instruction Manual
Some harness models feature belts and/or the parts (Illustration 9b):
A. Shoulder Padding
B. Waist Belt
C. Hip D-Ring/Positioning D-Ring (used in pairs only)
Employers are responsible for providing training to any employee who may be exposed to fall hazards
in order to enable the employee to recognize and reduce fall hazards. Training must be conducted by
a Competent or Qualified Person. Trainer and trainees must not be exposed to fall hazards during
the training course.
Competent Person Inspection
Harness must be inspected by a Competent Person a minimum of twice per year (every six months).
If the harness is exposed to extreme or severe conditions, more frequent formal inspections may be
required. Record the results of each formal inspection in your Hog Tracker account or inspection log.
Remove harness from service immediately after a fall has occurred.
User Inspection
Full Body Harness should be inspected by the user before each use using the following inspection
below (Illustration 10). In addition, unit should be fully examined to ensure:
Markings are legible.
All connectors and buckles engage securely.
Metal parts are free from corrosion, bending, cracks, dents or deformity.
Webbing shows no evidence of rips, tears, frayed edges, broken fibers, pulled stitches, cuts,
burns, and chemical damage.
Harness is clean and free of dirt, oil, mold, mildew and other contaminants.
Inspection Procedure
STEP 1: Webbing/Stitches
Grasp webbing in your hands approximately 6 in. (152mm) to 8 in. (203mm) apart. Bend webbing in
an inverted “U” as shown. The resulting surface tension will allow easier detection of damaged fibers
or cuts. Follow this procedure along the entire length of the webbing, inspecting both sides of each
strap. Watch for frayed edges, broken fibers, pulled stitches, cuts, burns, and chemical damage.
STEP 2: D-Rings/Pads
Check D-rings for distortion, cracks, breaks, and rough or sharp edges. D-ring should pivot freely.
Inspect for any unusual wear, frayed or cut fibers, or broken stitching of the D-ring attachments. Pads
should also be inspected for cracks, excessive wear, or other signs of damage.
Illustration 9b:
Additional Features
Full Body Harness Instruction Manual
STEP 3: Buckles
Inspect for any unusual wear, frayed or cut fibers, or broken
stitching of the buckle attachments.
STEP 4: Tongue Buckles/Grommets
Buckle tongues should be free of distortion in shape and
motion. They should overlap buckle frame and move freely
back and forth in the socket. Roller should turn freely on
frame. Check for distortion or sharp edges. Inspect for
loose, distorted or broken grommets. Webbing should not
have additional punched holes.
STEP 5: Friction and Slotted Mating Buckles
Inspect buckle for distortion. Outer bars and center bars
must be straight. Also look for any evidence of distortion or
defective condition in corners and attachment points at the
center bar.
STEP 6: Quick Connect Buckles
Inspect buckle for distortion. Outer bars and center bars
must be straight. Dual-tab release mechanism must be
free of debris and must engage properly.
If inspection reveals any defect, inadequate maintenance,
or unsafe condition, remove Full Body Harness from
service immediately.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Thoroughly inspect the full body harness after any period of extended storage. Excessive buildup of
dirt, paint, oil and other contaminants may interfere with the safe function of the full body harness. In
cases of severe contamination, webbing may be degraded to a point where it weakens and should be
removed from service. If you have any questions concerning the condition of your harness, contact
Malta Dynamics.
Wipe off all surface dirt. Use solution of water and mild detergent to cleanse harness free of
contaminants. Wipe dry. Hang away from heat to dry. Store in clean, dry area, away from heat and
areas where chemical vapors may exist. Avoid storing in direct light to prevent UV degradation.
Do not attempt to disassemble the harness. Only Malta Dynamics or entities authorized in writing by
Malta Dynamics shall make repairs, authorized maintenance or alterations to the equipment.
Illustration 10: Inspection Procedure