(775) 882-6600
Misses and Internittent Problems
Experience has shown that if your engine is misfiring or hesitating at
higher RPM, it is usually not an ignition problem. Most common causes
include a coil or plug wire failure, arcing from the cap or boot plug to
ground or spark ionization inside the cap. Perform the following checks:
Inspect the plug wires at the cap and at the spark plug for a tight
connection. Visually inspect for cuts, abrasions, or burns.
Inspect the primary coil wire connections. Because the HYFIRE®
VIA Ignition Control receives a direct 12 volt source from the bat-
tery, there will not be any voltage at the coil positive (+) terminal,
even with the key turned on. During cranking, or while the engine is
running, very high voltage will be present and no test equipment
should be connected.
WARNING: Do not touch the coil terminals during cranking or
while the engine is running.
Make sure that the battery is fully charged and the connections are
clean and tight. If you are not running an alternator, this is an im-
perative check. If the battery voltage drops below 10 volts during a
race, the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control output voltage will drop.
Is the engine running lean? Inspect the spark plugs and the entire
fuel system.
Check all wiring connections for corrosion or damage. Remember
to use proper connections followed by soldering, then seal the con-
nections completely.
If everything checks positive, use the procedure below to test the igni-
tion for spark. Mallory also offers an Ignition Tester (PN 28357) that
allows you to check the entire ignition system while it is installed in the
vehicle. This tool also checks operation of RPM limits, activated
switches, and shift lights.
If triggering the ignition with the white wire:
(See Figure 6)
1. Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF position.
2. Remove the coil wire from the distributor cap and set the terminal
approximately 1/4" from ground.
3. Disconnect the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control white wire from the
distributors points or ignition amplifier.
4. Turn the ignition to the ON position. Do not crank the engine.
5. Tap the white wire to ground several times. Each time you pull the
wire from ground, a spark should jump from the coil wire to ground.
If spark is present, the ignition is working properly. If there is no
spark, skip to Step 6 below.
If Triggering With the Magnetic Pickup:
(See Figure 7)
1. Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF position.
2. Remove the coil wire from the distributor cap and set the terminal
approximately 1/4" from ground.
3. Disconnect the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control magnetic pickup wires
from the distributor.
4. Turn the ignition to the ON position. Do not crank the engine.
5. With a small jumper wire, short the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control
green and violet magnetic pickup wires together. Each time you
break this short, a spark should jump from the coil wire to ground.
If spark is present, the ignition is working properly. If there is no
spark skip to Step 6 below.
6. If there is no spark.
A. Inspect all of the wiring.
B. Substitute another coil and repeat the test. If there is now spark,
the coil is at fault.
C. If there is still no spark, check to make sure there is 12 volts on
the small red wire from the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control when
the key is in the ON position. If 12 volts is not present, find
another switched 12 volts source and repeat the test.
D. If, after following the test procedures and inspecting all of the
wiring, there is still no spark, the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control
is in need of repair. See the Warranty and Service section for
The illustrations on the following pages show the
best way to install the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control
on various applications. If you have any problems
or questions while installing this device on your
vehicle, contact the Mallory Technical Service
Department at (775) 882-6600, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time, or email [email protected].