When you find a suitable location to mount the unit, make sure all
wires of the ignition reach their connections. Hold the ignition in place
and mark the location of the mounting holes. Use a 1/8" drill bit to drill
the holes. Use the supplied self-tapping screws to mount the box.
Wire Length
All of the wires of the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control may be shortened
as long as quality connectors are used or soldered in place. To lengthen
the wires, use one size larger gauge wire (12 gauge for power leads,
16 gauge for all others). Use the proper connectors to terminate all
wires. All connections must be soldered and sealed.
A poor ground connection can cause many frustrating problems. When
a wire is specified to go to ground, connect it to the chassis. Always
connect a ground strap between the engine and chassis. Connect
any ground wires to a clean, paint-free metal surface.
Ballast Resistor
If your vehicle has a ballast resistor in line with the coil wiring, it is not
necessary to bypass it. This is because the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Con-
trol receives its main power directly from the battery.
1 2
Do not attempt to seal the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control. All of the
circuits of a HYFIRE
VIA receive a conformal coating of sealant that
protects the electronics from moisture. Sealing the HYFIRE
VIA will
not allow any moisture that seeps in through the grommets to drain
and may result in corrosion.
To avoid any damage to the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control when weld-
ing on the vehicle, disconnect the positive (red) and negative (black)
power cables of the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control. It is also a good
idea to disconnect the tachometer ground wire as well.
Distributor Cap and Rotor
We recommend installing a new distributor cap and rotor when install-
ing the HYFIRE
VIA Ignition Control. Be sure the cap is clean inside
and out, especially the terminals and rotor tip. On vehicles with smaller
caps, it is possible for the air inside the cap to become electrically
charged causing crossfire which can result in misfire. You can prevent
this by drilling a couple of vent holes in the cap. Drill the holes be-
tween terminals at rotor height, facing away from the intake. If needed,
place a small piece of screen over the holes to act as a filter.
VIA Diagnostic LED
On the end panel of your Hyfire 6A ignition there is a small hole. Be-
hind this hole is a red LED indicator. This serves two purposes: when
you first turn on the ignition switch, the LED will flash rapidly 3 times.
This indicates that the ignition system has power, and that the micro-
processor is running properly. In addition, the LED will flash when
receiving a proper trigger signal from the vehicle. If, after a normal
power-up, the LED doesnt flash when cranking the engine, you should
check your triggering circuit for problems. If the LED flashes when
the engine is cranked, but there is still no spark, the problem
lies somewhere else.
VIA Cylinder Selection
VIA Ignition comes from the fac-
tory set up for 8 cylinder operation. If you want
to use this ignition with a 4 or 6 cylinder en-
gine, you must first remove the four screws
that hold the endplate with the LED hole. Once
the endplate is removed, youll see the end of
the circuit board. Look for the two-section
switch. To select 4 cylinder mode, move the
switch marked 1 to the ON position. To se-
lect 6 cylinder mode, move the switch marked
2 to the ON position. If both switches are OFF,
or both are ON, the ignition will run in the 8 cylinder
mode. See Figure 1.
VIA Ignition Control can be mounted in any position. If
you mount it in the engine compartment, keep it away from moving
objects and heat sources. Do not mount the unit in a closed area,
such as the glovebox.