Slide switch: Sound + LED + Motor or LED + Motor only (NO Sound). The Motor
indicates the ability to plug in the optional Vibrating unit for silent alarm
Slide Switch: Message or Sounds or Melody. Choice of: recorded message or
music or user’s name, inbuilt alarm sounds or inbuilt music.
Slide Switch: 8 Sounds or Single sound 1 or Single Sound 2.
If Message is selected, then a new message, music or the name of the user
must be recorded by pressing the “Record” button and speaking into the
Microphone next to the Record button. In Line recording is possible using the In
Line socket. The “Record” button must be kept pressed during recording.
Recording time is 10 seconds.
Test Button
Press and hold to confirm your selection is correct for your needs.
Volume Control
Located on side of case with minimum setting. Select desired volume level.
Reset Button
Press to stop Rx alarm output. Alarm will reactivate after 3 minutes if Tx sensor
is detecting and transmitting Wet signal.
The vibrating socket
It is always ON when there is WET signal received. When the vibrating motor
unit (optional Extra) is connected to the receiver, the motor will turn on
regardless of the position of sound/light selection switch.
Encode Switch
A choice of 16 channels to avoid interferance and allow the use of more than
one Tx/Rx unit in the same location. Please make sure that encode switch
settings are identical in both Tx & Rx units (matching pair). Make sure other
‘matching pair’ has a different code setting if to be used in the same location.
Trouble Shooting
No LED flashing when batteries are inserted: make sure batteries are new and
fresh and making good contact within the battery compartment. Rx does not
“Alarm” when Tx is wetted: make sure that the Tx and Rx batteries are not low
and the Rx is not out of range from the Tx. Rx does not respond to Tx: make
sure Code switch setting are matching in both Tx and Rx and that the Rx is not
out of range from the Tx. Rx with beep..beep sound: Low batteries or Rx is out of
range of Tx. Change batteries with new ones. Do not mix new and old batteries.
Instruction booklet MO7 1/4/03 8:56 am Page 8