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1.   Place the appliance at the location where the food is to be served. Arrange the power cord (10) in a way that tripping over it is not possible.
2.   Fill with water up to the 


 marking. Make sure the water level does not drop below the 


 marking or rises above the 




 Pay attention that no water is leaking from the appliance.

3.  Connect the power plug (10) with a wall outlet and set the on/off switch (5) to position I. The on/off switch (5) lights up green.
4.   Preheat the appliance. Set the temperature dial (4) to a high level to preheat the appliance faster. The control light (3) lights up orange 

when the appliance heats. If the appliance has reached the set temperature, the control light (3) goes out.

5.   Place the gastronorm container (6) with food in the casing (1). Pay attention to your fingers that they do not touch the metal edges or hot 



 Wear gloves when inserting the gastronorm container (6) into the appliance.

6.  Cover the appliance with lid (7). Make sure that the food is kept at constant temperature.
7.   Be aware that when removing the lid (7), hot steam might be emitted. Hot water might be dripping from the lid. Place the lid on the holder 


8.  After serving, remove the gastronorm container (6) from the casing (1). Wear gloves while removing it.
9.  Set the temperature dial (4) to position 0. The control light (3) goes out.
10. Set the on/off switch (5) to position 0. The on/off switch (5) goes out.
11.  Let the appliance cool down completely before handling it. Remove or lift it by handles (8) at both sides of appliance.

Cleaning and care

Before cleaning


Set the temperature dial (4) and the on/off switch (5) to position 0.


Disconnect the power plug (10) from the wall outlet and let it cool down completely.



 Ladle the water from the casing (1) after it has cooled down completely. Danger of scalding.


Remove remaining water with a sponge. Wipe the casing (1) dry with a cloth. 



Clean the appliance and gastronorm container (6) after each use.


Wipe the appliance with a damp cloth to remove food remains.


Remove sticky food with a plastic or natural bristle brush.


Clean the appliance regularly with steel cleansers.


Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaners, as they might damage the surface.


Do not use metal brushes or cleansers containing chlorine.


Do not clean the appliance with a water jet.

Resetting Procedure

Follow the 6 step photos to reset the appliance should it overheat and trip the safety switch.


 Unplug the appliance from main socket and wait for 15 minutes before following resetting procedure. Do not insert any tiny or metallic 

objects through the hole and prevent anything from falling inside of appliance.

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23/2/17   3:48 pm

Содержание GCD1016


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Страница 25: instructions Many thanks Table of contents Important safety instructions 26 28 Parts list 28 Intended use 28 Before first use 28 Operation 29 Cleaning and care 29 Troubleshooting 30 Technical data...

Страница 26: ...nnected to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by the utility 5 Do not clean the appliance with a water jet 6 Observe all safety instructions to avoid damage through improper use Follow al...

Страница 27: ...ric coal cooking range etc Keep the appliance away from hot surfaces and open flames Operate the appliance on a level stable clean heat resistant and dry surface 23 Never leave the appliance unattende...

Страница 28: ...and serving food 1 1 gastronorm container with 100 mm depth is provided with this appli ance for food pan This appliance is not suitable for cooking food This appliance is intended for Commercial Use...

Страница 29: it 9 Set the temperature dial 4 to position 0 The control light 3 goes out 10 Set the on off switch 5 to position 0 The on off switch 5 goes out 11 Let the appliance cool down completely before han...

Страница 30: ...nsion W x H x D 360 x 315 x 620 mm Environmental Protection Discarded electric appliances are recyclable and should not be discarded in the domestic waste Please actively support us in conserving reso...
