The configure section provides comprehensive options to update nearly every aspect of the
Mako device. The default settings as shipped should be correct for your network. However
over time new capabilities are often required. Your reseller can advise on the changes that
are appropriate as your requirements change.
Please be aware that some of these functions can disable critical operations in your Mako
device — care should be taken to ensure that configuration changes do not compromise your
office network security or its access to the Internet.
Configure: Internet
This screen allows you to review your Internet Service Provider access details and your traffic
plan if you have one. The information on this screen will be set by your reseller and in most
cases will never need to be changed. This screen could differ depending upon your ISP.
With a Mako 7550-E you can configure it using IP, DHCP or PPP (bridged Ethernet).
Internet Configuration - IP
Mako Networks Mako 7550-E Product Handbook v.1.1
Page 27